Your New Moon In Taurus Rituals…
Pull Back At The Dark Moon – Strong Like Bull!
Scroll for your New Moon in Taurus inspiration…
Write Down Or Clearly Affirm What You Hope To Bring About Or Manifest…
It’s Taurus Season and so the New Moon naturally occurs and resets the dial in Taurus, as the Moon aligns at the same degree as the Taurus Sun!
Read your horoscope for this lunation here, and use the stars on this day of still, dark and quiet to really work the celestial weather…
As a rule of thumb, New Moon’s are times to:
- Set intentions, plants seeds, plan and go within,
- Be still, grateful for what already exists,
- Silently use your intuition to glean what more might occur,
- Let go of expectations, release, surrender and exhale…
Here are my top 5 tips for the Taurus New Moon…
1. Seed, Manifest & Plan Sensibly…
The luminaries meet in Taurus, a New Moon that brings us down to earth…
Taurus is a harmonious sign governed by Venus, so this can be a moment to slow down and relish a moment for manifestation.
Plant seeds!
If you’ve no garden, wear a floral print for good luck…
Ann-Margret, Born 28 April 1941 With Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn & Uranus In Taurus…
Wherever Taurus energy shows up for us is where we can leverage a fresh start.
Indulge in quiet beautifully, visualise dark earth with time dug out to mark the moment…
2. Taurus New Moon: Go Steady – You’re In The Valley Of The Bulls…
I cannot emphasise enough how important it is to go steady at this time.
We can see the new moon energy on the face of Andie Macdowell, born with a new moon rising in Taurus, Dennis Rodman, too…
Dennis Rodman, Born 13 May 1961 with Sun and Moon in Taurus…
Both are at ease with their countenance and strong demeanour, both are comfortable with their place – Rodman clothed in velvet and texture, jewels – diamanté – and polished, preened…
Katharine Hepburn, Sun and Moon in Taurus – pamper!
Channel these stars, their slow, sure, steadfast surety, their immovable resolve and gentle romanticism.
Zone out with a movie starring Macdowell or Hepburn, listen to Kelly Clarkson (Sun, Moon, Mercury in Taurus), and take it easy….
3. Go Neck And Neck – Honour Your Throat Chakra!![]()
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Protect Y’Neck!
Taurus rules the throat and there is no better day to take a vow of silence than the Taurus New Moon.
Fasting and meditation aren’t a terrible idea on the New Moon either, since this is a day to take it slow. The Moon is waning from balsamic energy to darkest phase; take a break from your usual role to imagine new ways of feeling good about what it is that you do.
Protect your neck with a scarf or statement necklace, and still your mind on this day of focus, and ask for a neck and shoulder rub too!
4. Indulge Your Senses – Devote Attention To Real World Pleasures…
Slow Down To Smell The Roses…
With the Moon in a zodiac sign governed by Venus it’s a time to heighten the senses.
Touch and smell can be gratified with a gorgeous scent smoothed over the body, or slip into (pink) silks and satin…
Wear This Iconic Jean-Paul Gaultier or Be Inspired! JPG, Born With Sun & Moon in Taurus, Venus & Mercury in Aries….
Use rose in the way of a gently fragranced moisturiser, light a decadent candle or essential oil burner.
Ylang ylang is a mild aphrodisiac to pique the interest of raging bulls, Palmarosa is another ideal choice for Taurus….
5. Plan How You Might Switch It Up – Dream And Manifest By Writing It Down…
The New Moon presents an awesome time to strategically envisage the future, you needn’t know all the details, just imagine the possibilities!
- Turn Off Gadgets – Switch Off, Clear Your Mind…
Step into the artistic realms and turn off your essential devices for a moment or the entire day.
It could be an incredibly heady time to be involved in your computer, phone or screens.
The Tarot card for the Moon in Taurus is the Six of Pentacles, so manifesting abundance is a strong theme at this lunation.
Like the wealthy man in this card you might plan to generously share your abundance with others, offering financial assistance to those in need.
Or, you may need to come to terms with being on the receiving end, accepting gifts with gratitude.
Remember, every contribution you make will come back to you in kind…
Let me know your New Moon in Taurus rituals on Instagram!
Celebrities Born On A New Moon In Taurus…
Katharine Hepburn, Andie Macdowell, and Jean-Paul Gaultier. Joanna Lumley, Toya Wilcox, Carol Burnett and Kelly Clarkson. ‘The Lady with the Lamp’, Florence Nightingale. Dennis Rodman, Michael Palin and Ann-Margret.