The Love Witch Astrology Rug

The Love Witch Astrology Rug
The Love Witch Astrology Rug… Want!

The Love Witch

I haven’t been excited about a movie in a really long time but The Love Witch has me captivated! Check out the astrology rug above, which features Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, the moon and Neptune… Now, where can I get a rug like that?! Email me, please

Watch the trailer below…

Writer / director Anna Biller is a triple Aquarius – sun, moon, and rising all in the sign of the Water Bearer – blimey!

Samantha Robinson (Libra lady) plays Elaine, a modern-day witch who uses spells and magic to get men to fall in love with her. Set in the 60’s it’s a tribute to pulp novels and Technicolor melodramas. LOVE.

Highly stylized and impeccably crafted, the elaborate set and costume design embrace a wild color palette and perfectly imitate a 1960s look.

If only I knew where to buy that awesome astrology rug…

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A Word On Witchcraft…

Witchcraft is totally trending at the moment Stargazers.

I’m one for Tarot but not for Ouija Boards, in fact I think you have to be SUPER CAREFUL accessing the dark side.

My advice? Don’t go there.

I one had to perform a ghost exorcism with a friend, sage-ing the spirits from an old flat and I think I aggravated them more. Just sayin’.

Scary stuff. Consult a professional.

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