Psychic Sisters!

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Psychic Sisters Selfridges – See What They Say!

What turns an ordinary day into a super special, life enhancing, emotionally touching one? Why, a chance encounter with a Psychic Sister of course…

You probably won’t be surprised to hear that I’ve seen quite a few tarot readers in my time.

Some have been good, some nothing to write home about, and some have been incredibly uplifting – and nothing short of astounding in their revelations.

Of course, of those people who have ‘a gift’ there are those who are better at communicating, those who are incredibly (incredibly) in tune with their sixth sense, and inevitably readings will vary, as will the level of skill of the readers.

You’ll usually find that services are priced to reflect the individuals talent, but if in doubt get a recommendation from a trusted friend.

I’ve never been caught out by a charlatan and because my experiences have proved undeniably accurate I’m a believer through and through. Don’t worry though, I won’t judge you if you’re a sceptic!

So, this week I found myself a stone’s throw from Selfridges in Oxford Street. “Oh I simply must take a look at their window displays,” I said to myself, then, and then, as I’ve been meaning to pop down and investigate the clairvoyants set-up on behalf of Star Sign Style, I found myself in the basement, outside the little area dedicated to the Psychic Sisters…


Given that this concession takes more money per square foot than any other in the store, you would’ve thought they’d afford these lovely ladies more than what looks like an elaborate stock cupboard.

Tucked away in the books department you could well miss the Psychic Sisters (what with so many exciting areas to explore, have you seen the shoe department?!) Nevertheless, it’s well worth keeping your eyes peeled, as if fate would have you visit them, I very much doubt you’d regret it…

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psychic-sisters-selfridges-amethystThe walls of their tiny waiting room have shelves stuffed full of crystals and an impressive (nay incredible) amethyst sits in the corner – stick your hand in its cavity to feel some good vibrations!!

No sooner had I stepped inside I’d decided (quite on a whim) that today was a good day for a reading.

I stress that it was an impromptu visit, as some time ago I was told that you should never seek out a psychic, you should come across them by chance on your travels, or they will cross your path as and when needed.

It sounds bizarre but I maintain that it’s the best way. Don’t be obsessive, hunting a psychic down, don’t feel compelled to see them at timed intervals, rather go on a happy whim.

Once I was in situ at Selfridges there was no question it was the right time for me, after all, I’ll soon be embarking on my astrology adventure, and who doesn’t want to hear if love will soon come a knockin’?!

Despite preaching my non-premeditated approach, this tactic isn’t advisable in every instance, especially ‘cos these ladies are in demand!

First I met founder, Jayne Wallace, who told me that she’s fully booked up until Spring of next year, I was quite relieved that the lovely, talented Liz Dean was free, so I got my slot with a sister.

There are twelve women in total to see, with four working on any particular day, so if you want to see someone specific it’s best to contact them ahead of the meeting.


Angels And All Sorts

Without going into all the finer details of my reading (no-way nosey!) I can say with complete conviction that the experience was authentic and truly special. Liz helped me resolve life questions that were on my mind, and even had advice for the spirits I know are residing in my very old, London apartment (I’ll be undertaking a sage clearing ceremony very soon!)

I know that just as there are believers there are skeptics, and my advice to those who are on the fence is: keep an open mind, or better still, don’t go! These women do not expend their energy in order to ‘prove’ their gift to you, they’re advisors to those who already understand how the mysteries of the unknown work (you don’t question, you take the information in good faith). If you’re reluctant or hesitant, and think your money will be better spent elsewhere you’re probably right.

If you visit the Psychic Sisters Selfridges, go with a good, open heart!

For more information or to book an appointment with the Psychic Sisters, visit the Lower Ground Floor of Selfridges in Oxford Street, call 020 7318 3263 / 07757 643 777 or visit

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