My Top 5 Things To Do During Capricorn Season!

Make Resolutions Built To Last – And More Ideas To Maximise The Sun's Tour Of Capricorn...

There’s a reason for each and every season, but what to during the Sea Goat’s reign? Discover my Top 5 Things To Do During Capricorn Season, with cosmic inspiration!

General events every Capricorn Season include:

What to do during this month, when the Sun moves through Capricorn…

1. Make Resolutions!

The New Year is an ideal time to start afresh, with brand new diaries full of clean slates and pages of promise. 

Make magic, with a list of pacts made to yourself! Vow to do better, looking ahead to long-term dreams…

Try to be rational, reasonable and even a little conservative about what you can realistically manage.

Goals are good but no-one wants to disappoint themselves. The tone of Capricorn is very considered – we’re dealing with the real world! Having developed knowledge in Sagittarius Season, you can now make a plan that works for you.

2. Book Dental Appointments & Visit The Dentist…

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Capricorn has an affinity with the skin, teeth, bones and skeletal structure.

Therefore this is a time to invest in decent skincare and to schedule appointments for the important stuff – including the dentist!

Why not check in with the doctor about bone health too, or look at supplements? Old age has a way of creeping up on us all!

3. Take A Walk In The Woods!

As one of the earth signs, Capricorn is practical and enduring. What better time of year to appreciate the beauty in long-lasting elements of nature?

Head out into the wild to touch trees, rocks, and gaze upon ancient landscapes.

4. Tighten Your Belt…

Ruled by Saturn, the planet of limits, Capricorn is known as a frugal and unforgiving, so, after the holiday swell, be more formidable with your budget and put the reigns on – restraint in is session!

5. Step Into Classic, Cool, Maturity!

Not only is Capricorn and sign of restriction, but it’s also a responsible sign.

Dress in a fashion that shows you mean business!

What are your choice activities for Capricorn Season? Let me know on social channels! Twitter, Instagram or Facebook!

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