Valentine’s Day Horoscope 2024 – Is Love Written In The Stars?
Check your forecast for February 14th, the cosmic weather for the day of love...
Your Valentine’s Day horoscope 2024 is intense.
The two sex planets (Mars and Pluto) will be together in scientific air sign Aquarius. Discover what this means for your Sun and Rising sign in the forecast below!
Generally speaking, everyone may find themselves using technology, new inventions or apps. Remember too that this is a sign that could be described as aloof. We might sense disconnect, friends and followers first instead of warm, romantic, cozy moments!
The Moon will move into Taurus (sign of sensuality) at 3.02 pm Universal Time (i.e. London). There will be an exact Moon-Mars square at 5pm UT. Here we’ll experience tension, as the Moon and Jupiter (in earthy Taurus) are square to Pluto, Mars and Mercury in techie Aquarius.
There may be a push-pull between plans that are real (enjoying dinner, a massage or flowers) and being social.
Valentine’s Day Horoscope 2024 By Sign…
You could experience a socially galvanised day, Aries. Mars now leads you to friends and a dynamic, active participation in society. You might find that a good cause captivates you, team spirit or group work! Meanwhile, Pluto in this sector is asking you to confront a deeper, more probing side to your network, and the part they play to you. You’re experiencing a big year around your role and earnings, the position you’re in and how you contribute something of value. Today might see you torn between the practical plans you have, and your peers or loved ones who appear around you.
With friendly, flirty Venus at the tail end of a transit through Capricorn, you’re able to enjoy Valentine’s Day, with a sense of adventure and affection for those that teach you something about the world, Taurus. There’s a spirit of friendship and affability for you, and a promising social dynamic. However, your status, reputation, career or goals now loom large, with potential pressure around the work you do. While you may be aiming high with aspirations, ambition and a long-term plan, this isn’t necessarily congruent with your physical self or personal life. Take it easy and indulge, accepting all facets of your journey.
Adventure calls as the your ruling planet Mercury tour fellow air sign Aquarius, spelling interest in other places, people and perspectives on life. Engage friends who teach you or guide you outside yourself, literally or figuratively. However, you’re also likely on a healing journey that warrants time out and a slower pace. Try to balance an exciting agenda and the projects or plans that allow you to broaden your outlook, while appreciating when isolation or quiet moments are what you really need. Switch off with a moment to indulge the senses in private!
Aquarius Season and Valentine’s Day brings your focus to commitments made and planned investments, Cancer. You can double down on promises or be reminded of long-term goals and aspirations. This kind of territory can be confronting, as you consider what you’re signing up to, or pledging. Ask yourself, where do you have a vested interest or mutually beneficial set-up? Other people may breed a sense of stability in you but you might also be encouraged to assess the financial implications around your unions. Social life and getting together within a group or community could distract you from the more intimate bonds before you.
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Important relationships are underscored during Aquarius Season for Leo. So, of all the signs you’re best placed to make a fuss of others now! You may be acutely aware of security, stability and how other people affect your sense of place. Today in particular could impress a passion for adventure or learning with someone special. Be open to foreign or different experiences with a partner, sensing knowledge or plans being revealed. Only ‘stepping up’ into a position of authority can prove challenging. If you’re needed at work or have a reputation to live up to, this could be utterly distracting!
This year (and last) boost your sense of adventure, and see you willing to go the distance, Virgo. On Valentine’s Day you could be keen to experience something wonderful, publishing or sharing what you’re doing (or eating). However, the stars also want you to focus on health, your job and daily life. There may be an important issue you’re tackling at work or in your day-to-day that’s showing you who you can trust and what you have to engage with to stay on task. Motivation comes easily if you don’t get too distracted!
Aquarius Season signals a time for creativity, fun, for focusing on your kids, your love life and fertility! It’s a potentially passionate time that sees you balancing what a partner wants and what also makes you happy! Negotiate, dealing with other people, even if it gets heated or intense. Your plus one might show up with a painful situation that asks you to put them first, yet you can likely both find a way to please yourself. Aside from awareness of other people, your private life and commitments are stirring. Home life and family may come first, with loyalties and consistency utmost.
Security, stability, safety and your inner world are calling. Your Valentine’s Day horoscope 2024 asks you to look towards home, family, a parent, or the past, so consider your space, Scorpio! Address your property or the environment you’re keen to forge ahead with, which may be all about new traditions made. Other people throw complications into the mix. Note a situation that’s presented and a person distracting you from settling down. There may be fun to be had with friends but this doesn’t make it easy to manage life within your four walls.
It’s a social day for you but also one to deal with work life or health, Sagittarius. On the one hand, Aquarius Season always calls you towards your kindred spirits, siblings and best friends, showing how much you care. You may be feeling the love big time, with something inside of you compelled to tell those near and dear how deep your affections run. Yet, habits, routines, and something you’re learning about daily life needs your attention too. Find the sweet spot between your position and engaging with those around you!
As Venus is still in your zodiac sign you could be showing up beautifully now, Capricorn. Say a big yes to personal indulgence, meeting your own needs or teaming up for a good time. Say yes to pleasure and partnership! However, be aware that financial issues could be on your mind. Security and stability is important to you this year in particular, and, keeping tabs on what you have may be a priority. Possessions, investments and comprehending expectations of other people (and what you’re supposed to give or take) may be pertinent! Have a good time, aware of spending and your position.
All eyes are on you at this time of year! It’s a time to celebrate your uniqueness and special qualities in the way you see fit. While you might not love the limelight, this year could feel different, with something important in the works that’s personal. Allow kindred spirits, brothers or those in your surroundings to make a fuss of you, and expect to stand out! You could be turning heads or aware of your magnetism. Just be aware that home life, plans around your property or family may warrant major attention. You’re on a journey where your inner, private world is concerned, so be sure to ground yourself too.
There may be shifts underway now that are felt very deeply, Pisces. Aquarius Season sets you in limbo, with unknown, unquantifiable questions posed. Some part of you might be keen to disconnect to dream, at other times you might find working on projects behind the scenes in a way that’s selfless ticks a box. On the day of love, it’s difficult not to be in touch with close friends and kindred spirits, out and about in your local area. Find balance: involved with those around you, and stepping back to do your own thing.
Let me know if your Valentine’s Day horoscope 2024 rings true via Instagram! I love hearing from you and am available for personal consultations.