Summer Of Love? Read Up On Venus Retrograde In Leo…

Here are the Venus Retrograde in Leo dates you need to know…

  • 5th June Venus moves into Leo 9.46 pm HKT
  • 19th June Venus enters its shadow 3.12 pm HKT
  • 22nd June Moon, Venus, Mars in Leo
  • 23rd July Venus Stations Retrograde at 28°36’ 9.32 am HKT
    (AND there will be a Sun-Pluto opposition square the nodes, the Sun opposes Pluto.)
  • 27th July 11.14 pm HKT Mercury conjunct Venus Retrograde
  • 13th August POTENT Sun-Venus conjunction!!!! 12.15 pm BST
  • 16th August New Moon in Leo conjunct Venus Retrograde 5.37 pm HKT
  • 4th September Venus Direct 9.20 am at 12°12’ – at this point and from this point moving forward clarity and normalcy will resume.
  • 3rd October 2.39 am Venus trine the north node in Aries (and Eris)
  • 7th October 2023, 28°36’ (Venus back to the point it stationed,
  • 9th October 2023 Venus enters Virgo 9.10 am

Another Hot Point!

Jupiter spends the rest of the year in Taurus.

As a Venus ruled sign, this planet will ‘answer’ to Venus, making this transit pertinent to the Venus Retrograde.

Ask Yourself…

Where is Venus transiting in your natal chart? Does it aspect your Venus or another planet? Your Ascendant, or Midheaven? If you have planets or angles in Leo it’s likely this will be an interesting time for you!

And The Fact That It’s Venus In Leo?

You can Re-energise A La Leo!

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Go for fashion and beauty trends that honour this sign.

Tap into your inner lioness, wear gold, crests, baroque touches – even a little crown!

Sunbathing is a very Leoline pastime, so watch your SPF. Getting burned or getting a fake tan stain would be typical.

Amateur dramatics, art and theatrics are Leo. Channel super Leo Kelis (born with Sun, Moon, Venus and Mercury in the constellation) who just performed at Glastonbury!

Look to  Jennifer Lopez (Leo Sun and Mercury) who looks regal at every age.

Walk with pride.


With Venus in Leo we could be overly exuberant and over-enthusiastic, warm and generous with our time and money.

We may consider creativity and re-assess or think more about having children and pro-creation…

Remember, in our natal chart Venus represents our inner goddess, what we like to buy and spend money on. It’s how we dress up to attract a partner, the style in which we flirt – even how we draw friends and lovers in with our unique feminine style. 

Read more about your Venus sign here.

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