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Natasha Bianca Lyonne Braunstein was born April 4, 1979 – an Aries, born on the First Quarter Moon…

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Natasha Lyonne Birth Chart

Born Wednesday April 4th 1979, In New York via AstroTheme

According to Wikipedia, Natasha’s father was a boxing promoter and race car driver – both very Aries in style!

In astrology, the Sun can literally represent the father, the Moon the mother.

Her mother was born in Paris to Hungarian-Jewish parents who were Holocaust survivors – Lyonne has darkly joked that her family consists of “my father’s side, Flatbush, and my mother’s side, Auschwitz.”

Although this makes light of the dark, we can sense the Grand Trine in emotional water shining through: Jupiter exalted in Cancer, trine Uranus in Scorpio, with the pairing of Mercury (Retrograde) and Mars (the ruler of the Aries Sun). A quick wit and being able to turn family matters on their head is perhaps a necessary coping mechanism, when the past is steeped in such painful memories. Her North Node in Virgo sets planets in Pisces as ‘past karma’, with the Cancerian Moon trine the Nodal Axis. 

As the luminaries are at odds in the birth chart, it’s not a surprise to learn her parents divorced; Lyonne was estranged from her father, and has said she is not close to her mother.

Lyonne spent a year and a half in Israel, which is a very Piscean place, and it was here that her interest in acting began.

After moving back to New York City, she attended a private Jewish school, and took honors Talmud classes and read Aramaic (a wonderful expression of the conjunction between Mercury and Mars in Pisces).

She was expelled for selling marijuana (like any good Aries Rebel asserting her wild streak) then attend a film program at an arts school, and studied film and philosophy, a beautiful expression of her Venus, Mercury, Mars in Pisces.

Note Natasha has an opposition of the Sun to Pluto, a signature that creates a struggle with people in power or authority – and perhaps even her romantic or business partners.

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