Cosmic Inspiration – Beauty Gifts For Virgo…

The best buys in beauty I've found for those born under the sign of the Maiden!

Check out the best gifts in beauty I’ve found for those born under the sign of the angelic Maiden – it’s fresh beauty buys for Virgo!

Go With Your Gut…

Virgo is the most health focused of all the Zodiac archetypes, and being well – avoiding sickness and toxicity – is something to consider: detoxifying and purifying with superfoods, green ingredients or getting moderate exercise in as frequently as possible.

This astrological sign has rulership over the intestines, and inner workings, so that this Gut Primer Inner Beauty Support is worth a look.

Created by The Beauty Chef this powder is nourishing, restorative and designed to repair and soothe the gut lining with a blend of herbs and nutrients. Its formula helps in maintaining digestive health, which Virgo knows all about. They will love you for ordering this treat for them to try, if it’s not already in their stockpile.

Little Miss Perfect!

You’ve heard it before – perfectionism is the Virgo calling card. They vacilate between slovenly, an absolute mess and disorderly conduct, then swinging heavily back the other way, to pure clenliness and fine lines… Detail oriented, you pay attention to the small things others miss (from pores, to stay hairs, messy nails, correct color matching on the jawline – yuk – and the minutae).

You notice the things that make a difference and for certain tools and apparatus you’ll want the finest… Therefore select the best tweezers in town with great grab and plenty pulling power.

Try these Swiss made, Rubis Tweezers with a needle nose in Sandblaster Silver !

Get Organized…

Brilliantly organized, tidy, neat and clever, Virgo is one of the busiest signs, always doing something productive – therefore they’re a fan of having streamlined systems to make their life easier (and will even have a go at bringing order to your chaos if you let them!)

Go for clear Muji style shelf systems that can be added to, keeping everything from a makeup brush collection to Q-tips in perfect order…

Rituals & Routine!

To you, routine is everything, and you’ll want beauty to be easy to maintian on the daily, methodical, habitual and heavenly.

A regime that’s simple yet effective is this sign’s ideal, so give them a voucher for the brand you’ve seen on their nightstand. No need to stray from the tried and tested, or deviate from what works.

Earth Maiden…

As a mutable earth sign, yours is the practical energy of shifting sands and pampas grass that moves in the wind. You’re flexible, and conscious of adaptability – yet also know how to lean into staple neutrals, too, embracing your capacity to appear tuned in yet inoffensive, working with the basics.

While you’re ahead of the curve as far as fresh fashion trends are concerned, as an earth sign you’re practical and not one to skimp on the essentials; therefore re-use what’s natural and go for taupe and hazel tones.

Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness!

The myth of Virgo is that she was an angel that frequented earth, but found humans to be too impure for her tastes.

As a Virgo, mud masks are one way to literally honor your element, getting on board with clay and earthy textures that ground you in reality. Use masks that are gentle and draw out impurities, leaving your fresh, flawless skin clean and clear…

 Slow down and treat yourself!

Neat & Tidy…

Not forgetting the nails, Virgo will appreciate a handy manicure kit – especially if it’s chic – no vulgar tropical prints or crazy baby pink

I like this one from tweezerman.


Here is the best of the rest I’ve found, branded with the Virgo magic…

Lippy at Bite Beauty…

A gorgeous roll on fragrance from

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Virgo At Wet N Wild

Zodiac Nail Polish For Virgo From Julep

$14.00 USD.

The Virgo Blend By Ines heals

A blend of Flower Essences from, that brings focus and clarity to Virgo, $25.00.

This product is designed for cloudiness of mind, fearfulness, forgetfulness, lack of confidence and failure to learn from one’s mistakes.

The Water Palette By MySign Makeup

and glosses…

And mini palettes for your sign! Only £5.00 GBP – shop it here

Visit here.

Crystal Infused Zodiac Polish From Love By Luna

Love these magical polishes, $18.00 USD



Shop Virgo at!

The Afrees Hand Cream

Fresh Virgo Soap

Shop all the zodiac soaps at, find Virgo here for $14.00 USD.


Virgo Fragrance From Intuitive Essence

Zodica Fragrances

Visit here and discover the scents.

Spectrum Collections Zodiac Brushes – Earth

The Spectrum Collections ‘Water’ pouch is perfect for Cancer, though pricey at £49.99 GBP! Buy it here.

Spotted something for Virgo? Email me at

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