My Top 5 Things To Do During Taurus Season!

Blossoms & Bouquets, Sweets, Treats, & Time In The Garden – Ideas To Maximise The Sun's Tour Of Taurus...

There’s a reason for each and every season, but what to during the Bull’s reign? Discover my Top 5 Things To Do During Taurus Season, with cosmic inspiration!

Whether you’re born under the sign of the Bull, celebrating a beloved bovine or simply enjoying May days and all they bring, you’ll want to mark the month with special activities!

General events every Taurus Season include:

What to do during this month, when the Sun moves through Taurus…

1. Get Comfortable, Lounge…

The  ‘fixed’ earth sign of spring, languid Taurus represents the still, sunny days of late April and May, when we claim a chance to enjoy what life – and nature has to offer.

From the first fruits on the hedges (blackberries, strawberries and such) to the beautiful blooms in our gerden or parklands, Taurus Season is a time to slow down and smell the roses.

Pause, take it easy, slip into textures with a fancy touch – silks and satins; put on a feathered gown and rest awhile to gain steady footing…

Taurus Rising Stars… Read more here!

Listen to music, pamper, preen and gaze upon fine art! 

2. Try Something Sweet! Sing For Your Supper, Bake & Create…

My favourite thing to do during Taurus Season is fashion something delectable… With Uranus in Taurus try plant based cooking!

Venusian-ruled Taurus is associated with brightly colored pastels, including candy-colored pinks, pistachio greens and soft-dusted rose and caramels.

There’s no better time to get an ice-cream or packet of bonbons!

3. Use Flowers & Celebrate Beltane…

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The fixed zodiac sign within the earth element, Taurus is the most stable, practical energy to work with in astrology.

One of the things we associate with this sign is the garden in bloom, as May days are the times when we sit back and enjoy the splendour of colour and beauty all around us via nature.

Beltane is one of the festivals of Taurus Season, and is a timely reminder to gather blooms…

Read about the astrological significance of Beltane, here.

4. Head Out Into The Countryside! Slow Down…

As one of the earth signs, Taurus is practical and enduring. What better time of year to appreciate the beauty in long-lasting elements of nature?

Head out into gardens and green pastures, and gaze upon fields and landscapes. Forage, and chew the cud slowly…

Alternatively, visit a gallery!

Or walk through a department store sampling fragrances…

The aromas we wear and the scents we encounter day to day have the ability to affect our mood and the effect we have on others.

Taurus rules the senses, and what better time than spring to check out the new fragrances being launched or simply revisit an old favourite?

5. Build Something To Last

From a solid table to earthenware pots, or a mug, Taurus Season lets us turn our hand to soemthing tangile.

You can save money, or count the coins in the coffers too!

Turn to sustainable fashion choices – with Uranus in Taurus we’re all shaking up standards of what it means to be truly eco-chic, more conscious and aware of the malpractice in manufacturing, and the general waste incurred through needless shopping.

Shy away from fast fashion and take it slow in Taurus Season!!

What are your choice activities for Taurus Season? Let me know on social channels! Twitter, Instagram or Facebook!

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