New Moon Names
Transiting Venus Conjunct Jupiter!
See celebrities born during this aspect with dates for past and upcoming conjunctions...
Astrology And Harvest Festivals: Lammas, Mabon & Samhain!
Making Sense Of The Three Harvests And Their Astrological Timing...
We’re familiar with the names of the twelve Full Moon’s, reflecting the brightest point of the lunar cycle but have you heard of any new moon names?
☆ Birth Moon ☆ Milk Moon ☆ Fasting (or Weaning) Moon ☆ Seed Moon ☆ Courting Moon ☆ Mating Moon ☆ Journey Moon ☆ Mother’s Moon ☆ Father’s Moon ☆ Nesting Moon ☆ Sorting Moon ☆ Secret Moon ☆ Finder’s Moon ☆ Spinner Moon ☆ Black Moon ☆ Death Moon ☆