Pisces Sharon Stone Birth Chart Analysis…

A Very Mutable Star! Virgo Rising, Mercury In Pisces, Moon In Sagittarius...

Scroll to see the Sharon Stone birth chart drawing…

Watch Sharon Stone In Ratched, On Netflix…

Today I listened to a podcast with Sharon Stone, which seems fitting for Pisces Season.

In it, she spoke about Harvey Weinstein, calling him ‘the Octopus’, which I found an incredibly amusing and fitting name. Both Stone and Weinstein are Pisces, however the former has Virgo Rising.

With an early Virgo Ascendant, Sharon’s Pisces Sun is in the seventh house. Here it shines bright with Mercury (and Black Moon Lilith). Until today, I did not realise Stone had dealt with sexual abuse early in life. She also revealed how her mother and father had been child servants. It’s a fascinating listen, and Stone is an incredible woman. 

With Sun and the chart ruler Mercury in Pisces, the seventh house, it’s apparent how this shows up in the story of her life.

The Sun represents the father, yet in a feminine sign can also be the mother. The looming presence of a parent is something I can identify with, as my descendant sign is Capricorn, and my mum is a Capricorn. I find the mother showing up in the seventh house is absolutely logical. Our mothers can be a partner in a way, as we are interacting with them and faced with them significantly. They influence our future relationships, too. Pisces is a sign of sacrifice, addiction and water, so can also be a lack of boundaries. Sharon’s mother fits this description, according to the interview (my opinion, obviously).

Mercury Square Saturn! Sextile Mars…

The all-important Pisces Mercury (as the ruler of the Ascendant) is almost perfectly square hard-ass Saturn. Saturn appears in the fourth house of home and family, in mutable Sagittarius. Here is an attempt to make sense of the world through relating, a necessity to engage and be curious about interpersonal relationships – Mercury reaches out to listen and hear from others. But in reality this is difficult. Mercury is in its detriment sign in Pisces, there’s a sense of not quite being able to get a straight answer from the partner. Not to mention there are limits, or even a muteness, being square to Grandfather Time, Saturn, Cronos. Mercury is somewhat struck dumb by Saturn, and I believe this prompted Stone to be even more adept at communicating. I see the Mercury as an extension of her mother, and there being a block in the earlier years being able to develop that rapport. This thankfully has been remedied by the actor, as she now has a lovely relationship with her mother. No doubt she developed sophisticated skills early on to engage and connect, given this tough signature.

An exalted Mars in Capricorn is nicely aligned with Mercury, giving drive, purpose and creative talent. This Mars (exalted) in Capricorn is also trine the Midheaven. In the fifth house of the chart, Mars is well placed to act, press ahead, perform and demonstrate presence

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Sharon Stone: Pluto Rising In Virgo.

Sharon Stone’ birth chart also reveals she has Pluto at the powerful 0º. Here in Virgo, it’s hovering around her ascendant and boy does this actor sound like a tough cookie. Pluto rising does seem like a cross to bear, and yet Stone wears it well.

Other Astrological Placements…

Stone certainly looks aligned with her astrology. Her slender, tall frame is very typical of the Moon In Sagittarius – her long face and limbs. She has a free, fresh persona and I’d say Sagittarius is well suited to being in film. However, the Sagittarius Moon squares Pluto. Here again we have the signature of abuse and power struggles (Pluto) and conflict around mother (Moon) and feeling safe.

Her Virgo Rising shines through, with her neat features and fine facial bone structure.

☆ Sun In Pisces ☆ Moon In Sagittarius ☆ Venus In Aquarius ☆ Virgo Rising ☆

Some other interesting aspects include the Scorpio signature: Jupiter, the North Node and Neptune assembled in Scorpio. Here we find Stone is comfortable with talking about the more confronting side of life, including the childhood sexual abuse endured.

I’m pretty sure if we looked at transits and progressions we’d get a lot from the events of the 80s – Pluto into Scorpio – and 90s. Neptune in Capricorn would have been key during Sharon’s rise to fame. I may look further into this fantastic star! Love you Sharon Stone, what a great interview. Listen here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0KgbPjxChjt70tW9ijHPYL

Sharon Stone’s Birth Chart…

sharon stone astrology birth chart


Born 10th March, 1956 At 4.52pm In Meadville, Pennsylvania…

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