Your Super Quick Guide To Lunar Cutting!

It can get really complicated and you can read the long version (and even watch the video) here.

But I just wanted to write a helpful summary, to give you four simple stages for your understanding because I love ya!

Waning Moon

  • DO DETOX After the Full Moon comes the phase where the Moon decreases. You might want to start a diet now, detox, exfoliate and get rid of any unwanted bits of body! Sweat it out in the sauna and steam, and why not consider a colonic? It’ll be more effective now…

Dark Of The Moon

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  • REMOVE UNWANTED HAIR in the Dark Moon phase, this is when the moon is akin to being in hibernation. Then starts the cycle again with the New Moon. Right now, if you were to see what was going on up there you’d notice that the Sun and Moon were sitting together! And then the moon pulls away…

If you can wax (and pluck, exfoliate etc.) just before the New Moon, in the dark moon days, this is the optimum time for slow growth – slower re-grow of the hair.

Waxing Moon

  • DO REPLENISH, following the new moon la lune is in a growing phase, making its way to becoming full. Skin and hair are most absorbent so moisturise, repair any skin issues and get lots of vitamins into your body.
  • DO CUT, bear in mind that a hair cut in this phase won’t really hinder your locks from flowing, it’s likely to encourage healthy growth instead during this phase.

Full Moon

  • CUT FOR GROWTH. The Full Moon itself is prime for cutting your hair so it grows thicker, faster and longer. A manicure or file down will result in nails that are strong and grow quickly too.
  • DON’T WAX. Waxing hair could be more painful now, and it grow back rapidly and possibly thicker.
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