Shopping Inspiration – Your Virgo Gift Guide…

The Summer Sun is setting, it's harvest time and our thoughts turn to Virgo...

Ready to reflect on the best birthday presents for Virgo ever?

That’s right it’s time for the Virgo crew to step up, with birthdays from 23rd August through the 22nd of September. No doubt you’ll soon be celebrating with a friend or loved one who falls under the virtuous sign of Virgo…

And why so virtuous you ask??!!

Virgo people are in essence humble and good, although remember, we are so much more than our Sun signs, so don’t go believing angel face is as perfect as he or she makes out!

Virgo ‘serves the people’, and is the ruler of routine and ritual, so Virgo people can often be found in the healthcare professions, service industries or tidying the tax-books.

They have a very good eye for design and tasteful aesthetics, too.

Essentially they are thorough, with excellent attention to detail and grade-A analytical skills.

Advice for friends and family of Virgo looking for a great gift: Make it meaningful, consider the particular tastes of your Virgo. Something thoughtful and personal will mean so much more than a showy gift, you can even give them something handmade. 

Still stuck for inspiration? Think harder! And check out my guide…

Turn Joy Into Something Useful…

This flower pressing craft kit is ideal!

Princess Of Print!

Virgo wears pattern and detail better than all the signs – don’t believe moi?! See the evidence here.

Then, consider this tote adorned with Iphis print – a French Art Nouveau design named after the Greek Mythological figure.

Size wize it’s practical, and so rather neatly ticks a box, and, it comes in three colour combinations.

For Virgo, check out all the printed goods at Liberty…


Iphis Tote Bag – £295.00 from Liberty London

Virgo Tom Ford Ticks The Box…

He’s the ultimate Virgo, so anything from Tom Ford will do…


LipstickTrue Coral, Book – Tom Ford: Ten Years – available at Amazon and Black Orchid Fragrance

Nail It – Neatly…

Nail art is so popular now, and quite frankly there couldn’t be a better gift for your perfectionist Virgo sister, daughter or friend.

This Nail Art Brush Kit promises to keep the industrious lady busy, practicing her technique to perfection – then she’ll be ready to paint and polish you! Fabulous.


Nail Art Brush Set – £10.00 from John Lewis

Or this from Tweezerman…


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Desk Tidy?

I know what you’re thinking. The Virgo in my life is meant to be a neat freak – super tidy, meticulous and verging on anally retentive, and yet they’re so messy!

Yes, that’s Virgo for you. Chaotic and totally organised, sitting in a whirlwind of mess and paper, still totally on top of it all – no matter what they say…

Help out the desk bound hero in your office with the Lexon Buro Desk Set. It comes in plenty colours but I like green best for Virgo…


Leoxon Buro Desk Set – full 7 piece set £107.00 from

Deck Him Out!

They’ve got such good attention to detail, those Virgo peeps. Their fine tuning is a natural asset, so get them to make the most of it!

Pick up some decks off eBay and watch them master the turn-tables…


The Virgo Man: A Natural Dee-Jay…

Makeup Your Mind!

Go Go Gadget.

The Virgo in your life is a practical soul and will appreciate tools and utensils to help around the house – they’re unlikely to take umbrage at a new screwdriver set and might even swoon at a vacuum!

Check out Swiss brand Kuhn Rikon, whose products are bound to impress even those with a multitude of kitchen gadgets. Joseph Joseph also do excellent gift sets – this one (centre) is a snip at £25.00 and includes a citrus fruit reamer, rotary peeler and rocking garlic crusher.

Do check out your pals kitchen colour scheme before buying – they won’t all be living a green dream! And no-one hates clashing colours more than dear Virgo…


Green Gadgets from Kuhn Rikon – available on Amazon and Joseph Joseph

Health And Wellness Queen…

Virgo is the most health conscious of the signs, they like to take good care of their wellbeing and appearance – believe me, you can’t say that of all the signs!

Beauty enhancing devices, lotions and potions will go down well, in fact, any gift that helps them to stay groomed and gorgeous will be most appreciated. A well chosen electrical appliance is ideal…

How about the impressive Waterpik Complete Care system for teeth? Or the Clarisonic Plusicon, a face and body brush which works to dislodge dead skin cells and make up? This little beauty unclogs pores, and cleanses so effectively that all other skincare products absorb better – perfection for the perfectionist Virgoan. Otherwise, some fitness equipment to support their exercise regime…


You Little Animal!

I’m too excited about these plastic pets and I know your little Virgo would be too!

This sign rules over small creatures and domestic animals – these people usually love to keep pets but if you’re Virgo is just too young, they’ll still enjoy tending to this toy… And no, you’re never too old!


VIP Pets, £10 each at

For Your Virgo Boss…

Surprise surprise, you’ve just found out that the health food nut you adore is a Virgo (yes, this lot love to look after their insides). What better than to tickle the tastebuds of your fit and fully functioning friend, with this super healthy goodie box packed with treats?!

Buy a one off box or if you’re very generous, consider a subscription and they’ll thank you thrice or more!!!


Choose a one-off gift or subscription, from £20.00 at

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