What You Need To Know About October’s Eclipses…

Advice on the upcoming celestial events of the month ahead

October is Eclipse Season, with an Annular Solar Eclipse mid-month (on the 15th at 1.55 am in Hong Kong), and a Partial Lunar Eclipse on Sunday October 29th 2023 (4.22 am).

This month could feel extra charged, as we’re made aware of poignant endings, necessary beginnings, peak moments and seemingly fated happenings.

Typically, there are four eclipses each year, spaced six months apart.

The pair in the month ahead are both ruled by Venus – the first is in Libra, the second in Taurus. Romance and finance could be magnified and a potent issue, therefore we could all do with being aware of the potential for drama in these areas.

Best practice and a rule of thumb during this window is to drink plenty water, staying hydrated to avoid headaches around these intense days. It’s also important to get enough downtime and quality rest, as the Moon might also affect our sleep cycle.

More on October’s Eclipses…

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The Solar Eclipse sees the lights overhead (Sun and Moon) team up in air sign Libra, for a New Moon and fresh start. Classically regarded as the sign of relationships and unions, partners and harmonious matrimony, Libra attempts to bring balance to all dealings, not to mention sweetness and congeniality.

Here, we’re encouraged to turn over a new leaf with our significant other, renewing our vows or looking forward to a new chapter in courtship and collaboration.

However, it’s also important to relinquish people pleasing tendencies, or the inclination to react to others and how they respond to who we are as an individual. Personal autonomy might seem a heated topic, with many of us defensive or agitated thanks to encounters we’re facing (personally or professionally). Remember that the people you find yourself around are likely up against similar issues to you. Go easy, taking a pause more frequently than usual.

Take in the Full Moon on the evening of Saturday the 28th, which is in the sign of Taurus. Remember that money makes the world go around, and that this sign has an affinity with finances, stocks, land, property, food and resources.

Collectively, we can illuminate personal investments, and how we ensure we’re safe, secure and protected. Show gratitude for the material side of life (be it the last of your Consumption Vouchers, a good meal with friends, or a weekend spent in nature).

This is the closing point of a series of Eclipses going back to November 2021, so you might sense a tone of culmination or completion, recognising how changes have been solidly implemented.

For the witches and master manifestors, let it be known that Eclipse Season is one to take a pew. Practicing magic is ill-advised during this time. Instead, up your wellness regime in the weeks in-between and around the dates mentioned, allowing destiny to take its course.

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