Update! Lana Del Rey Confirms She’s A Cancer With New Birth Time…

Not the Gemini we had her for, Lana shares her birth time on Twitter!

We now know Lana Del Rey was actually born June 21st 1985 in New York at 4.47 pm making her a Cancer.

Up until now, most websites had an earlier birth time but we can confirm the star has the Sun, Mars and Mercury in the zodiac sign of the crab!

Lana Del Rey’s Astrology…

Born 21st June, 1985 At 4.47 pm, New York City, USA

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New Moon In Cancer Horoscope…

Venus sits close, with harmony from Mars and Saturn too!

Sun In Cancer, Venus In Taurus, Scorpio Rising…


With the Sun, Mars and Mercury in Cancer – and Venus in Taurus – Lana’s zodiac style is very feminine. Cancer loves cosy, comforting clothes, while Taurus also values the sensuality and texture of things.

Lover of nostalgia, Cancer can wear retro styles and  the best colour for Cancerian people is white, which is a signature colour for Del Rey. The best colour for Tauro is pink


Moon in Leo is highly creative, and comfortable putting on a show.

Lana has Venus in the 6th house of work, service and everyday jobs. This shows a position connected the the arts. She’s a songstress and fashion icon, working with beauty every day!

Saturn conjunct the Scorpio ascendant gives off a serious, Saturnian vibe – the music we hear from this star can be quite sombre and grown up, almost melancholy…

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