Tauro Beauty Bettie…

Bombshell Bettie, Venus Rising In Pisces…

☆ Sun In Taurus ☆ Moon In Cancer ☆ Venus In Pisces ☆ Pisces Rising ☆

‘Queen of Pinups’, Bettie Page was a model born 22nd April 1923. She died in 2008 aged 85.

As a Pisces rising person we can look to planet Neptune for further insight into Bettie’s life, and as the watery planet of illusion, fantasy, film and glamour appears in her house of work and daily life, it’s no surprise that she found work as a glamour photographers muse.

Sun in Taurus stars make marvellous models, as Venus ruled Taurus is a sign of sensuality, understanding how to be beautiful and set the visually pleasing scene. Taurus is totally at home with femininity, and Bettie did her own make-up for shoots and was also a dab hand at fashioning her outfits, too.

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Venus in the first house graces its recipients with added grace and good looks, as the planet of romance and beauty appears beside the outward first impression and appearance of the person in question. Bettie also has Uranus even closer to her Pisces rising, giving her an unusual look, and, those with this planet in the first also have the ability to change up their style with ease.

Notice the grand water trine in Bettie’s chart too, Jupiter in Scorpio at 15 degrees, trine the Uranus Venus conjunction, trine Moon Pluto in Cancer. Her career, perhaps her life was founded on the principle of unusual beauty (Uranus Venus), with womanly depths (Moon Pluto) of excessive sexuality (Jupiter in Scorpio). She was the first bondage model as she posed for fetish pictures with BDSM themes.

Her most celebrated shots were the Jungle Bettie nude photographs, where she appeared with cheetahs – well, Leo does rule her work house, where Neptune resides!

Page became a born again Christian in 1959, perhaps a signal from her Sagittarius Midheaven shooting out her reputation to the world of a spiritually minded adventurer, as oppose to a wild horse.

Bettie’s Birth Chart

astrology bettie page birth chart

Born 22nd April, 1923 At 3.00am In Nashville, Tennessee…

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