Drew Barrymore Astrology Analysis…
Gemini Rising, with Sun, Venus and Jupiter in Pisces!
Read on for a Drew Barrymore astrology take…
Pisces Beauty, via Sharon Graphics, flickr.com…
Drew Barrymore is a Hollywood legend. She rose to fame early in life thanks to a role in E.T. and has continued to live on our screens.
Pisces is a sign synonymous with glamour, intrigue and encourages us to let go of expectations. The last sign of the zodiac, Pisces is linked to our dreams, sleep and anaesthesia, slipping into finality. Barrymore has the Sun in her house of visibility, notoriety and fame in this sign. Teamed with Jupiter and Venus, she has a big, beautiful reputation.
However, there’s also been a lot of scandal surrounding her image. This is typical of enigmatic Pisces too, as we might say getting lost is part and parcel of this sign’s tendencies.
Pisces is the most sensitive sign, most at risk for a tendency towards escapism. This can be bought about by many varied outlets, for example a vivid imagination. But it can also mean a blurring of boundaries when it comes to spiritualism, substances or artistic pursuits. Knowing when to say “no” is key.
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Whatever the path they choose, Pisces people have a capacity to dissolve into their surroundings.
Note the elusive qualities of their modern planetary ruler, Neptune. Although this planet is linked to dissolution and deception it’s also linked to a heightened intuition, glamour, film and photography,
The other two planets we see are at ease within the realms of the watery fish. Romantic, feminine Venus is exalted here and traditionally lucky Jupiter is in its domicile. This could contribute very much to her success in the world of media, culture and the screen. It could also guide her film choices . Movies like ‘Ever After: A Cinderella Story’, and ’50 First Dates’ where she plays the forgetful heroine.
Drew Barrymore Astrology: Moon In Cancer!
Lit up by the Moon, the constellation of Cancer represents Drew’s needs, emotional nature and the rhythm and routine of life. The Moon in Cancer sits together with serious Saturn in her, pointing towards responsibility – perhaps the maturity felt by Drew at an early age, then later being able to take on the world through her business acumen.
Two water signs dominating – Cancer (soft) and Pisces (fragile) show there is a great vulnerability that can appear but with the discipline of Saturn (and Mars in industrious Capricorn,) powerful artistic qualities can blossom.
The Midheaven and Mercury are in quirky Aquarius. We can see the unusual activity peppered throughout Drew’s life and her outward reputation. She will always be known as starring alongside an alien – very zany and Aquarius by nature. But she’s also known for her weird and wonderful marriages. A spontaneous wedding arrived after six weeks of courtships, and an oddball husband in the way of comic Tom Green.
I love Drew, what a star!
Drew Barrymore Astrology Birth Chart
Born 22nd February, 1975 At 11.51am In Culver City, California…