2023 Eclipses! Mark Your Calendar…
Discover the times, dates and more on the eclipse points of 2023 – what you need to know about these powerful lunations.
Q. How many Eclipses will there be in 2023?
A. There will be four Eclipses in 2023, one in April, one in May, and two in October.
Here’s what you need to know!
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1, Annular Total Solar Eclipse, April 20th, 2023
An Aries New Moon at 29º50′.
- Hong Kong / A.W.S.T – Thursday April 20th 12.12 pm
- London / B.S.T – Thursday April 20th 5.12 am
- New York / E.D.T – Thursday April 20th 12.12 am.
The first eclipse of 2023 is a New Moon in Aries, which is at twenty nine degrees of the sign, while the North Node is at 4º00′ Taurus.
This Eclipse forms an out of sign square to Pluto, which is a tense aspect.
However, the ruler of planets in Aries is Mars, now trine to the mid-point of Saturn and Neptune, and sextile Mercury in Taurus.
2, Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, May 5th-6th 2023
A Scorpio Full Moon at 14º58′.
- Hong Kong / A.W.S.T – Saturday May 6th 1.33 am
- London / B.S.T. – Friday May 5th 6.33 pm
- New York / E.D.T – Friday May 5th 1.33 pm.
Next up, the Moon connects with the South Node, then peaks in Scorpio for the last time in this Eclipse cycle.
This is a sign with an ancient (Mars) and modern ruler (Pluto).
Mars is now in water sign Cancer, and Saturn in Pisces trine the South Node
With these two we might be able to smooth over some tensions, however the prominence of Pluto, to me, spells tension.
The Nodal Axis in Taurus Scorpio is coming into a square to Pluto in air sign Aquarius.
3, Annular Solar Eclipse, October 14th 2023
A Libra New Moon at 21º07′.
- Hong Kong / A.W.S.T – Sunday October 15th 1.55 am
- London / B.S.T – Saturday October 14th 6.55 pm
- New York / E.D.T – Saturday October 14th 1.55 pm.
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This one is spicy!
Although we have a gathering in the peacekeeping sign of harmony, beauty and congeniality – Libra – there’s more to this lunation than meets the eye.
The North Node in Aries is conjunct asteroid Eris, rabble rouser, with tender Chiron in opposition to the Eclipse too (and closely opposite Mercury at 17º). Attempts to negotiate could be challenging!
Pluto has worked its way back to 27º53′, so in a square to the Nodal Axis.
Venus has not long overcome an opposite to Saturn in Pisces, and is in Virgo, a sign of fall for Venus.
Thankfully, a sextile between Neptune and Uranus is supportive to the New Moon…
4, Partial Lunar Eclipse, October 28th-29th 2023
A Taurus Full Moon at 5º09′ .
- Hong Kong / A.W.S.T – Sunday October 29th 4.24 am
- London / B.S.T – Saturday October 28th 9.24 pm
- New York / E.D.T – Saturday October 28th 4.24 pm.
This is the last Eclipse of the year, and the very last in the Taurus-Scorpio cycle we’ve been having this past couple of years.
Again, Pluto is square the Nodal Axis, spelling tension, particularly around issues we may have thought were dead and buried!
More About The 2023 Eclipses…
The Nodal Axis reflects our Moon’s path – an ecliptic circuit through space.
It’s the farthest point from earth is termed astrologically as “the Nodal Axis”, and, as the Sun and Moon align with this invisible point in the skies (as in these charts and moments above), we see more poignant activity here on earth.
This what they look like:
The ☊ North Node…. and the ☋ South Node.
As we look towards these moments in time – the Eclipses – and where they land in the Zodiac, we ascribe them a series of Eclipses.
2023 has those moments in the Cardinal and Fixed polarity: Aries and Libra, Taurus and Scorpio.
Taurus | Scorpio
The Nodes moved into this pairing on January 19th 2022; the North Node of destiny, fate and karmic experience will appear in Taurus, while the South Node will move backwards through Scorpio.
Note the two houses of your horoscope where Taurus and Scorpio appear may have been growth areas.
Libra | Aries
Find the two houses of your chart where Aries and Libra land for more experiences to come!