Your New Moon In Libra Rituals…

Find Balance And Equilibrium: Consciously create harmony in the quiet, still moment of the Lunar Cycle!

New Moon In Libra…

Write Down Or Clearly Affirm What You Hope To Bring About Or Manifest!

It’s Libra Season and so the New Moon naturally occurs and resets the dial in Libra, as the Moon aligns at the same degree as the Libra Sun!

Read your horoscope for this lunation here, and use the stars on this day of still, dark and quiet to really work the celestial weather…

As a rule of thumb, New Moon’s are times to:

  • Set intentions, plants seeds, plan and go within,
  • Be still, grateful for what already exists,
  • Silently use your intuition to glean what more might occur,
  • Let go of expectations, release, surrender and exhale…

Here are my top 5 tips for the Libra New Moon…

1. Manifest Harmonious Matrimony…

During this New Moon the luminaries meet and kiss in the lovely Libra.

This hones our attention on the area governed by Libra – collectively and individually – and emphasises the themes of this sign; fairness, diplomacy, balance, equilibrium, partnership, and playing nice with others.

Remember to cultivate balance…

Venus is the cosmic ruler of Libra, and signifies love, pleasure, social relations and finances; Libra wants us to get along, to have a good atmosphere among friends, to agree.

Angela Lansbury, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars in Libra…

Allow romance and positive human relations to move you, and contemplate and wish for a happy new union – or lay claim to a cosmic reset for your partnerships and all personal negotiations.

Who remembers the moment at Harry and Meghan’s wedding when double Libra Chelsy Davy looked on with regret? Avoid such sadness and woe by cultivating awareness of your own relationship patterns, and get honest about what’s needed to create that harmonious unity.

Kate Winslet, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Pluto and Libra Rising

Grab hold of the one you love and are keen to partner with, and don’t let go!! Even if you’re faced with adversity…

2. Seek Justice To Breathe Easy…

Justice, as reimagined by Dior…

In Libra we seek a fair trial, balance and justice, and in the Tarot, the card representing Libra is the Justice card.

For the Libra Moon we use the Two of Swords…

Meditate on the themes of these two cards, and even pull them from your deck, set aside as a pair on the New Moon.

Focus on:

  • Seeking clarity
  • Weighing thoughts and options in a state of balance
  • Seeing both sides of a situation
  • Using logic and intellect in difficult circumstances
  • Trusting your choices and following through with your own intuition.

Angela Lansbury, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars in Libra…

Note the capacity to breathe easy, and find a moment of clarification with your smooth breath guiding decisions.

3. Make Your Manifestations BEAUTIFUL…

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Come Out Of Hiding To Glow In The Moonlight!

Yes, Libra is the sign of beauty, diplomacy and dimples, charm and grace – creating an affable, sweet atmosphere with everyone on board with no complains, thank you!

Looking good, feeling great, effortlessly

“Glamour to me is about remaining graceful and understated.”

Kate Winslet, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Pluto and Libra Rising

Everything at the Libra New Moon should strive towards a pretty lovely balance.


Pen your promises to you on pretty paper, fit for a Libra moon…

As this is an excellent time for manifestation and intention setting – considering what seeds you’d like to plant, and see come to fruition – set down plans on attractive paper (with gorgeous ink!)

You don’t have to wish for the most magnificent things to unfold, it can be a streamlined request full of gratitude of what’s already in motion. It’s always fun (and more intentional) to write down exactly what you’d like to occur, before handing it to the universe with a smile…

You could even print off a template, or use a special pen for these wishes. Fold up the paper and tuck it away for the next Full Moon in Libra.

Cultivate a sense of sweetness and financial satisfaction, beauty and a lovely, gracious appearance.

4. Let Go And Detox Before & During The New Moon…

Surrender What You Don’t Need – There’s Plenty To Go Around…

The New Moon is a potent time of focused energy, and this month that energy culminates in the Libra zodiac sign.

At the peak of the cycle, the Moon is full, engorged, heightened, high and bright. Emotions are lit up, fuller, excited and engaged.

While the Full Moon is a positive time to celebrate fulfilment, to acknowledge and reveal what’s come to pass, see how matters have unfolded and see truthfully and fully, the new moon is good for release. We can let go, ready to make room for a fresh start and new cycle.

Each new moon is a wonderful opportunity to take a moment of still, calm serenity, and to tune into our inner senses.

Breathe in all that lovely Libra, and afford yourself a moment just for you. See the best scents in Aromatherapy & Essential Oils For Libra Season

You can let go of clothes you no longer need to make way for the new, do a cosmic detox of your closet with these dark moon hours.

Remove things you no longer want to see, including unwanted hair, too-tight jeans and toxic people and entanglements.

5. Get The Timing Right!

Hone your focus on the New Moon itself, and note the best time to take action toward your intentions is a couple of days after the New Moon, when luna has a bit of wind beneath her wings to carry your wishes to fruition.

These intentions can be short-term. See them flourishing with the full moon in two weeks, or know it may take time to appear. Dreams can bloom with the Full Moon in Libra in eighteen months time.

Celebrities Born On A New Moon In Libra…

Kate Winslet – Libra Rising, Plus Sun And Moon In Libra!

Kate Winslet, Romy Schneider, Mylène Demongeot, Sting, Bruce Springsteen, Nick Cannon, Kelly Ripa, Nicky Hilton, Angela Lansbury, Ireland Baldwin and Chelsy Davy.

Tell me know your Libra New Moon played out on Instagram!

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