Gemini Brooke Shields Birth Chart – Born On A New Moon…

Brooke Shields was born May 31st 1965, on a New Moon in Gemini. Here are her placements…

A sign of youthfulness, Gemini is the third sign of the Zodiac.

With Venus and the Moon in this sign both on the Midheaven, Brooke would be prized and known for her looks as a young person.

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Virgo Rising, her chart ruler is Mercury, which is also the planet guiding all the planets in Gemini too.

Mercury in Taurus is trine the ascendant, giving the actress a voice destined to be heard. Pluto transiting Capricorn has recently made a trine to this key planet in her chart, opening up important conversations about sexual assault and Brooke’s early experiences, which are so important to be talked about.

Brooke Shields Birth Chart

Born May 31st 1965,at 1.45 pm in Manhattan, New York…

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