Your New Moon In Sagittarius Rituals…
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Write Down Or Clearly Affirm What You Hope To Bring About Or Manifest…
It’s Sagittarius Season and so the New Moon naturally occurs and resets the dial in Sagittarius, as the Moon aligns at the same degree as the Sagittarius Sun!
Read your horoscope for this lunation here, and use the stars on this day of still, dark and quiet to really work the celestial weather…
As a rule of thumb, New Moon’s are times to:
- Set intentions, plants seeds, plan and go within,
- Be still, grateful for what already exists,
- Silently use your intuition to glean what more might occur,
- Let go of expectations, release, surrender and exhale…
Here are my top 5 tips for the Sagittarius New Moon…
1. Reveal Your Target & Hope For More!
Ninth sign, Sagittarius is the seeker, optimist, philosopher and torch bearer on a quest – mutable fire.
Torch Bearer, Carrying Light And Warmth…
A worldly explorer, this is the sign that represents our capacity to pursue wisdom, higher education, to relate to those who think differently…
Sagittarius is the Centaur, half man, half beast – a horse – and as such gallops from place to place, on a journey towards truths and adventure!
Remember, the Nutcracker is a Sagittarius Ballet…
The Nutcracker premiered on a New Moon in Sagittarius, reflecting the lands and places that can be discovered within this astrological realm of magic… It’s the most wonderful time of year and we can pause to absorb all it has to offer.
Before Capricorn Season arrives (and the cold sets in) let’s enjoy this focus with wild abandon – and free rein!
Amplify your intentions – write your wishes down, work with fire, gazing into a flame to purify your thoughts, and re-set.
Use the stars on this lunation for a fresh stars, and work with the celestial weather…
This is a time to look further afield, to plan, and ascertain broader horizons looking to be traversed…
Are you keen to sign up to a course of study? Would you like to learn more about another country or religion, practice or faith? What area needs growth and development? Read your New Moon Horoscope here for inspiration…
Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the Zodiac and shoots its arrows upwards and outwards with great optimism.
Ruled by Jupiter – planet of growth and expansion – Sagittarius is one to ‘go big or go home’, so, whatever’s in your midst at this New Moon is likely to have potential.
Yes, Sagittarius is known as the clown, the joker of the group but this energy can also be resolute! Make like these harlequins and hone in on number one!
2. Celebrate Your Stride, Your Stance…
Sagittarius is the nomadic wanderer, always venturing further afield in the pursuit of excitement and new horizons. With this New Moon you can stand powerfully in your vision, ready to stride out and beyond… Take risks!
Stand tall, poised, ready to navigate any terrain in the pursuit of your venture.
Your New Moon In Capricorn Rituals…
Show You Mean Business: What to do as Sun meets Moon in Capricorn...
Dance Into The Fire: Full Moon In Aries Rituals…
Seize Your Solo Spotlight With This Fierce Hunter's Moon!
Burn bright with a touch of color, and add a touch of another culture to your look, showing you’re open to experiences coming your way…
3. Detox And Dry Brush…
The New Moon is the best time during the lunar cycle to surrender, let go and release – including dead skin cells.
As this is a time to cultivate new habits, plan and seed ideas, take up this beauty ritual, which helps the lymphatic system.
There’s no better time to scrub and brush away the debris of the day, the month, the year… Remember to aim brush strokes toward the heart…
Focus on the thighs, too – the Sagittarius body part, using strong sweeping motions with a coarse brush.
Meditate on striding out on your path with a glossy pony tail and haunches ready for anything…
4. Use Tools To Settle…
This New Moon is a Total Solar Eclipse, so calls for extra tools and reasons to ground yourself.
I recently discovered this incense brand and absolutely love their high quality product. Something to soothe and assist the process, and don’t forget to drink plenty of water. More eclipse remedies, here.
5. Use Exotic Products…
Potion Perfume: ‘Fortune’, from spitfiregirl.
Just as the ruler of Sagittarius is Jupiter (with the Wheel of Fortune card in the Tarot its representative).
Egyptian Magic…
There’s no better time than when planets are clustered together in Sagittarius to try something new and glorious – particularly when it has the appeal of far off lands…
Try lotions and potions that are a little more exotic than the norm, and transport yourself… Particularly since most of us are going NOWHERE!
The card for the Moon in Sagittarius is the Nine of Wands, helping us grapple with resilience, courage, persistence and Faith.
In this card we see a man potentially facing exhaustion, yet with a plucky resilience, a look ready to persist and take on the remaining feat before him.
Though tired, having endured challenges, struggles and setbacks, it’s important to keep the faith, trust and dig deep into an inner quality of courageousness.
We all face adversity – that’s just what we sign up to as an individual living life! We’re all on a journey where we’ll experience blockages, but it’s important to maintain strength and our position on the road we wander…
Focus and meditate on:
- Knowing you have what it takes…
- Moving on, moving up!
- Trial and error, over and over again until it works…
- Remembering not to give up!
- Clinging to hopes, dreams and wisdom amassed…
- Shine your light and don’t succumb to insecurity! You’re a visionary!
- Establish and uphold boundaries, and protect those lines not to be crossed…
- Look for those that will support you in your mission, your quest and with your objectives!
- See the barriers that stand in your way, the beliefs or anything stopping you…
Celebrities Born With Both The Sun and Moon In Sagittarius…
Patrizia Gucci, Lauren German, Marisa Tomei, Sarah Cox (Sun, Moon, Neptune, Mercury, Mars and the North Node In Sagittarius), Ann Coulter, Claire Forlani, Natasha Bedingfield, Jackie Stallone and Lorraine Kelly…