New Moon – What To Do? Beauty Rituals To Harness The Lunar Cycle…

During the darkest moments of the month, let go, purge & purify!

Did you know you can follow the Moon’s Phases to optimise the effectiveness of your beauty rituals?

You know that the New Moon is a magical and mysterious time of the month but what are the best practices to perform during this phase?


Take advantage of the moment of pitch black, and diminished light – supportive lunar phases for reduction – the run up to the gibbous and New Moon – the waning phases…

Here are my top 5 tips…

1. Silent Night, Is All Calm?

The New Moon is the time when the Moon is together with the Sun in our skies – they are at the same point of the Zodiac in a symbolic point of attention and combine their energies around a particular theme according to our own birth chart and transits.

While the Sun is vital, bright and breeds awareness, the Moon is emotional.

We might naturally have more emotional awareness, or, we might require more silence, isolation, and quiet time to really feel our feelings, and develop sensitivity to what’s underway.

Give yourself time at this point of the Lunar Cycle to step away, relax and breathe.

We could be depleted and need introspection – this could be a happy (restful) vibe OR sad (exhaustion). Try to evoke calm, with scents and smells that help you unwind.

There was a study conducted by astrologer Alex Trenoworth that showed teens at school got into more trouble on a New Moon, suggesting this is a potential time of restlessness, even a time to be aware of mischief!

Seek space to unpack what’s in focus, rather than succumb to distraction.

2. Rest, Rejuvenate, & Retire For The Night…

Remember, the New Moon is a time of diminished light, so much now goes unnoticed – Full Moon‘s are way more exciting!

Therefore, don’t succumb to FOMO but rather stay home and retreat safely to a cocoon…

You won’t be missing out, as no-one will be looking outward, most people will be occupied with great focus on their own inner stirrings, and if someone is desperate for you to accompany them blame it on the Moon...

3. Trim, Wax, Fast.

Some people don’t like going to the hairdresser or barber all the time.

If you’re one of those that wants a haircut to retain it’s shape (like Anna Wintour) then have your haircut during the waning moon, as hair cut now will grow out more slowly.

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The New Moon is an optimum time for removal, therefore wax, pluck or thread your brows, use pore strips and draw out any of the bad stuff you want to get rid of.

Sweat out toxins in the sauna! Use mud packs, and treat yourself to that colonic too…

A time of detoxification and elimination, it’s good to limit, reduce or eradicate as the Moon disappears in the skies.

Exfoliate, get rid of unwanted hair, purge and purify!

Use your Foreo LUNA!

4. Remove, Reduce & Release!

As above, so below, the waning phase and New Moon facilitates reduction and supports release as the Moon disappears in the sky.

Therefore rituals that help you let go, and strip away all that’s unnecessary are ideal practices now – a salt bath, surrendering exercise or energetic removal through sound.

A time of renewal and rejuvenation, we can pause; shake out remnants and dregs of stagnant energy that need to shift. Close off all the tabs on your browser and shut down the laptop.

Use the New Moon Bath Salts from Species by the Thousand ($14.00 USD), with sea salt, rose petals, lavender and hops.

5. Reset Your Agenda. Purge & Clean…

As the energies of a particular sign are concentrated and charged during this time, regard the New Moon as a symbol or portal for new beginnings, change and seeding potential.

Light a fire or write down intentions, anything to help you mark the moment and remember how you’re feeling.

Waning Moon And New Moon Beauty Summary…

  • DO REDUCE – Toward New Moon la lune is in a reduction phase, making its way to utter darkness.
  • Skin and hair are least absorbent so scrub away dry skin.
  • DO WAX – During the waning phase, when the Moon is shrinking in the sky, the rate of re-growth is slowed.
  • A hair cut in this phase will STOP your locks from growing; trim cuticles and pluck unwanted stray hairs.
  • Don’t Cut Hair You Want To Grow – there is minimal regrowth, so ideal for a neat trim you’re keen to keep.

Read more in: When To Wax, here, Proven Effects Of The Moon, and your full Guide To Lunar Beauty Rituals and Lunar Hair Care.

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