Fashion Astrology – Super Sporty Sagittarius!

This Jupiter-ruled sign suits sportswear & athleisure like no other...

The Sagittarius zodiac sign rules sweats, sneakers and athleisurewear…

That’s right, Saggy is super sporty!

Those born under Sagittarius can pull of a sophisticated look but they suit sportswear so much more…

Whether it’s luxe or simply for lounging, tracksuits and hoodies, jackets and joggers tick the box for those born under the Archer.

With Sagittarius strong in your chart, you can excel in physical pursuits, and have boundless energy. As a Jupiter ruled sign you have luck and confidence on your side too, so you’ll probably be on the winning team!

Did you know that more Olympics champions are Sagittarius than any other sign?

See the Celebrities Who Wear It Well…

Kim Basinger

Jane Fonda

Sporty Style Icon Jane Fonda, Sun And Venus In Sagittarius…

Tina Turner

Taylor Swift

Alyssa Milano

Alyssa Milano

Britney Spears


Britney Spears Style – Synonymous With Sportswear…

Nicky Minaj

Bridget Hall

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Perhaps it’s because at heart they know that horses don’t tamed or broken in, they’re wild spirits – like Sagg!

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