Born On The Last Quarter Moon: Taurus Jessica Alba…
Share the astrological style of awesome Alba…
Jessica Alba – A True Taurus Beauty!
Jessica is one Hollywood’s hottest honeys – she even starred in the movie!
She’s voted in as one of the sexiest women in the world, so what’s her star secrets? Read on for the horoscope and an astrology analysis of Taurus Jessica Alba.
Let’s see how she works her Star Sign Style!
☆ Sun In Taurus ☆ Moon In Aquarius ☆ Venus In Taurus ☆ Leo Rising ☆
Jessica has lots of Taurean energy in her chart – not only does the gorgeous actress have her Sun, Venus, Mercury and Mars in the sign, her Midheaven is Taurus too!
You couldn’t get a more perfect example of the Bull’s beauty…
See the stars with enviable style, the top fashion icons born under Scorpio!
Selena Gomez Birth Chart – This Cancer Is Really Very Leo…
Leo Rising, Plus Venus and Mercury in the Lion's Sign, and an Aries Moon!
With Venus in this sign Jessica really embodies the best bits of Taurus: feminine, patient and steady, reliable, gracious and sensuous too, with incredibly good taste…
Alba has her Moon In Aquarius, giving a coolness to her disposition that’s often described as detached or aloof. Leo Rising gives her a warm and playful approach, and the gorgeous golden hues she suits could be down to the Lion’s touch. It also resonates with the blockbuster movie that launched her into the limelight – as ‘Honey’ is a Leo ruled entity!
Taurus – Neck And Neck!
The Taurus Body Part Is The Neck – Perhaps Why This Star Loves Scarfs!
Alba’s got the Lion on the ascendant, so suits dramatic touches and golden hues. Still, I like her best in the lucky colour for Taurus – PINK!
Alba’s Birth Chart
Born 28th April, 1981 At 1.51pm In Pomona, California…