The Leo Man’s Style…
Take a walk in the lion's den with the male of the species – it's the Leo Man!
Looking at all the men’s style of the zodiac, what can we tell about Mr Leo?
King of the hill and ruler of his Kingdom, whatever that may be, your Leo man rules his domain with a warmth and generous spirit, gathering all in for a rip roaring time!
At all costs do not bruise his ego, it’s his pride and joy… Criticism will crush and though he may recover, his affections for you may have waned…
Like the Leo woman, Mr Lionheart has a head of hair to dazzle them all!
Patrick Swayze – Sun, Mercury and Moon In Leo
His crowning glory will either be waves of luscious locks or a proudly cropped cut, quite a feature.
The Leo Man’s Fashion Style!
Your Full Moon In Aquarius Horoscope 2024!
The Super Moon shines bright in the Water Bearer's sign...
Zodiac Interiors – Leo Style At Home…
Splendour fit for the Kings & Queens of the Zodiac – a Castle!
Mr Leo should wear vibrant fashions and shouldn’t be afraid of ‘bling’. He might adore dressing up and his best colour across jewellery is gold…
He can wear strong colours and bold prints, he’ll want his dress to demonstrate something he can show off, whether it’s new label or mark of quality, or something no-one else has.
My Leo Hero? Patrick Swayze, with his Sun, Mercury and Moon all in the sign of the Lion. Brimming with passion, confidence and creativity we see him leap and pounce into play in Dirty Dancing.
Mars in Scorpio equipped him for the role in Ghost, which spoke of death, murder and rising from the ashes, when he reappears through Scorpio Whoopi Goldberg to kiss Scorpio Demi Moore (!!).
Tom Cruise is another archetypal Leo because although he has Sun in Cancer, his Moon, Venus and Midheaven (governing public perception) are all in the sign of the Lion. We view him very much as a pouncing cat – especially when he’s leaping about on sofa’s!
Famous Leo Men…
☆ Patrick Swayze ☆ Ringo Starr ☆ Tom Cruise ☆ Wesley Snipes ☆ Alfred Hitchcock ☆
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