The Scorpio Man’s Style…

Mr Mysterious, He's Emotionally Strong, Deep And Loyal!

Via Flickr

You may be familiar with the Scorpio ‘femme fetale’ but how about the Scorpio guy?

He’s the mysterious one operating from the shadows, the one with a penetrating stare that scares the bejesus out of you but simultaneously has you questioning “Who IS he??”

Yes, Mr Scorpio has oodles of appeal, just treat him gently. He’s a water sign that likes loyalty and is quite a serious type.

He’ll want to go deep with you, and is capable of intense emotion.

Betrayal will be met with that Scorpio sting so don’t mess him around – his hawk eyes are watching!

The Scorpio Man Fashion Style…

No matter what his group or clan dictates in terms of the latest trends, the male Scorpio will have quite an exact definition and an idea about his own personal style.

He’s quite specific about his look and will cut through any excess noise to deliver his powerful presence.

Dark colours allow him to hide, he’s not a loud cartwheeling clown – unless there’s a dash of Sagittarius about him.

Be sure to swot up on his birth chart using this guide.

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Famous Scorpio Men…


☆ Joaquin Phoenix ☆ Owen Wilson ☆ Ryan Reynolds ☆ Drake ☆ Ethan Hawke ☆ Leonardo DiCaprio ☆ Zac Efron ☆ Martin Scorsese ☆ Snoop Dogg ☆ Ryan Gosling ☆


  • Bruce Lee, Moon, Venus, Mercury and Mars in Scorpio…

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