See Capricorn Rising Celebrities & Dress For Your Rising Sign…

The style of the stars with a Capricorn Ascendant, see the commonalities through collage...

Born with Capricorn rising and you’ll be ambitious, success orientated and practical.

These people have a down-to-earth determination; never satisfied with their social standing, business or career achievements they want to exceed and excel to the next level, and they’re willing to work long and hard to get there.

The way of approach can be matter of fact, they’re realistic and a little dry.

Their chart ruler will be the planet Saturn, and although they might appear cold or stoic they have a great and remarkable wit!

They also have feelings of great admiration and respect for those they love, rather than overly-romantic or sentimental tendencies. They’re realistic, studious and serious, Capricorn rising can also be cautious.

Saturn Is Your Ruler…

Look to the position of Saturn at your time of birth using the free birth chart calculator.

From here, you can start to learn more about your first house, and the nuances of your chart.

Capricorn Rising Appearance…

Those people with Capricorn Rising may have a neat, tidy appearances and seem well put together.

Capricorn Rising, Stars Above – Nolwenn Leroy, Zooey Deschanel, Dakota Johnson, Megan Fox, Nabilla Benattia, Naomi Campbell, Monica Bellucci, Sabrina Ferilli, Carole Bouquet, Charlottte Casiraghi, Shirley Manson, Lorde, Gisele Bündchen, Joan Jett And Carrie Fisher…

They could have fine hair and skin, sometimes with freckles, and usually have defined cheekbones.

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People born when the constellation Capricorn was rising could well seem goat-like in their appearance!

Capricorn Rising, Stars Above – Susan Sarandon, Meg Ryan, Jane Fonda, Taylor Swift, Lauren Conrad, Ariana Grande,  Catherine Deveuve, Patti Boyd, Sylvie Vartan, Sophia Loren, Carmen Electra,  Ashanti, Priscilla Presley, Kylie Jenner, Linda Lovelace And Mariska Hargitay…

They can have thick, well shaped brows and noticeable teeth, as Capricorn rules the skeletal structure.


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As far as fashion’s concerned, Cappy rising might value quality rather than passing fads.

Typically, they appear a little more reserved than their Sun, Venus or Moon sign would indicate, as this ascendant helps add a conservative touch.

This might result in a somewhat business-like demeanour or formal fashion choices that aren’t so free and easy!

Expect structure and form-fitting garms to suit you.

Capricorn Rising Celebrities…

zooey-deshanel  crystal-renn-astrology   monica  virgo-shirley-manson   lauren   carmen-electra  helena rubinstein

☆ America Ferera ☆ Carmen Electra ☆ Crystal Renn ☆ Megan Fox ☆ Naomi Campbell ☆ Kylie Jenner ☆ Gwen Stefani ☆ Gisele ☆ Gloria Estefan ☆ Ilka Chase ☆ Jane Fonda ☆ Lauren Conrad ☆ Linda Lovelace ☆ Lorde ☆ Libra Monica Bellucci ☆ Helena Rubenstein ☆ Queen Elizabeth II ☆ Rhea Perlman ☆ Shirley Ann Manson ☆ Sonia Rykeil ☆ Sophia Loren ☆ Susan Sarandon ☆ Zooey Deschanel ☆ Tommy Hilfiger ☆

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