Dance Into The Fire: Full Moon In Aries Rituals…

Seize Your Solo Spotlight With This Fierce Hunter's Moon!

Each Full Moon signals a point of culmination, and in Libra Season this occurs within autonomous, amazing Aries.

The Moon indicates our emotions or mood, and, the collective feeling of people. With this raw, initiating courage permeating and pulsing, it’s a time to recognise where we’re being bold, intrepid and independent, but also bossy, overbearing and pushy with our self-will.

We can ask ourselves:

  • Where we can claim to have made headway?
  • What’s now to be embraced solo?
  • What independent move has paid off?
  • What we embody that’s personally edifying?
  • Where have we gone it alone, independently succeeding…?

There’s tension at every Full Moon in the opposition and polarity created between Sun and Moon, this month with notions of “me” and “we”, as the luminaries light up Aries and Libra.

While excitement and enthusiasm are great, a wonderful reflection for the Aries Full Moon is where and when a wild battle cry is warranted.

Warrior-like energy comes easily to Aries the Ram, ruled by Mars.

But we can’t deny the fair-focus of Libra, the Scales, balanced, diplomatic, cool and logical – fair we have at our disposal, encouraging us to use the heightened emotions of Aries wisely.

Therefore, a secondary question or contemplation is: what do I want that works for us both, how can we compromise, co-operate, play fair, and both feel that we’ve both won?

Aries Full Moon Rituals…

Here are some fun ways to mark the moment…

1. Selfie Sticks At The Ready!

The selfie (and selfie sticks) are an invention introduced during the transit of Uranus in Aries, .

A technological advancement that focused on the head (the Aries-ruled body part) and ones self… With the Full Moon in Aries it’s time for a personal moment – take that selfie!!

“Me first!”, “No! Me, Meeeeee!”

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, the newborn, the baby, the wailing red-faced attention seeker. To Aries there is no-one else to consider ‘cos they’re ‘IT‘ – didn’t you know?!!

Being present and correct is actually a really good look on the Aries born (whereas procrastination and self-doubt suck!)

Stand in yourSELF confidently. Put yourSELF center front and forward and honor your lovely face NOW.

You don’t have to splash it all over Facebook or Insty but a decent image is gonna cheer you up on a gloomy day. Keep it in your memory banks if you prefer.

2. Celebrate And Adore Thyself…

Full moons are a time of celebration!  (NOT a time for new beginnings – that comes after the new moon…)

Given this energy is all about shining a light on ‘Aries’ and the culmination of the last year and a half / 18 months, it’s really time to honour and celebrate the sign.

We all have an inner Aries, just look at your personal natal chart to see where the ‘Aries’ in you falls. After all you might have an Aries moon like Pisces Rihanna or Libra Cardi B or Amber Rose, so it’s a wonderful time to honour your feelings.

Beyond a selfie, it’s time to adore your inner warrior woman, your ability to persevere though adversity, to fight and win (an Aries / Mars trait).

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3. Have A Head Massage Or Facial Acupuncture!

Emotions are way heightened during the Full Moon.

The Moon is at the very peak of her cycle, shining maximum light on the world. With the moon bright in self-centered Aries do something special for YOU, consequences be damned!

Soothe away tensions or springs wound too tight, with a super duper head massage.

If you can’t steal away to indulge then take 5 minutes extra out of your day to wash your hair with more attention to your temples than usual.

Or, if you’ve free rein knock yourself out and visit a spa! The Sun is in beauty lovin’ Libra and totally approves…

4. Stand Up As A Brave Pioneer Or Entrepreneur…

Legendary Davina McCall!

Yes, Libra season is all about fairness, diplomacy and balance but with the full moon shining bright in Aries we can grab a fist full of independence and courage!

Aries embodies the pioneering spirit, forging ahead with horns faced forward. Know you’re ‘rights’! Forget the wrongs, this is a time to show the world your truth.

Time to embrace your true passions and go loudly into the day. Beat that drum, announce it over a tannoy. Embrace confidence and stand in the light of that full moon energy.

5. Surprise Your Lover!

Spicy Truffles or Hot Ginger Cookies will work a treat! 

Yes, yes, it’s all about enthusiastic Aries energy – but wait!

The light cast upon the Moon’s silvery surface comes from the direction of Libra…

Could it be that there’s something to sharing, after all?

This Full Moon is about self, but also about looking outwards, into the mirror and to ‘other’.

Your significant other could be your marriage partner, BFF, even a sibling or someone you see daily – a work wifey, business buddy or playmate.

Why not prepare a sweet treat – or hot curry – to show you care and to celebrate?!

The Moon is all about feeding and nurture so cook something spicy for your friend, indulge them with an exciting surprise or activity and let both your passions roll…

Remember the key-word, togetherness.

Celebrities Born During A Full Moon In Aries…

Cardi B, Amber Rose, Pavarotti, Heather Locklear, Fergie (Sarah Ferguson), Kelly Preston, Clémence Poésy and Davina McCall…

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