Gemini Stevie Nicks…

Share the horoscope of Stevie Nicks…

Curious Gemini WIth A Sweet Cancerian Venus

Stephanie Lynn “Stevie” Nicks is an American singer and songwriter we love to sing along to.

Best known for her work with Fleetwood Mac she’s produced over forty Top 50 hits and sold over 140 million albums! But, what’s her Star Sign Style?

Sun In GeminiMoon In CapricornVenus In Cancer ☆ Aries RisingMars In Virgo

What interesting planetary placements Stevie Nicks has!

She’s a flighty Gemini with a grounded Capricorn Moon conjunct her Midheaven, and Aries on the ascendant.

Gemini With Venus In Cancer…


Gemini is the free bird that likes to flit from place to place, and in Stevie’s chart, is paired with Venus in the more romantic, feminine sign Cancer.

I think Stevie expresses this blend beautifully, with light flowing fashions projecting a magical, ethereal energy. Both these signs particularly suit white. Gemini likes fabrics that allow them to move, while the Crab wants to feel protected – boho layers offer both for Nicks!


Aries Rising – So Suits Hats…

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They say that Aries has a pugnacious look about them.

They wear a determined look on their babyface and have a plucky spirit, often with an upturned nose and reddish complexion. I think Stevie has the look of the archetypal Aries woman, of course she suits hats (Aries rules the head) and looks Ravishing in Rouge


Moon In Capricorn Favours Black…

With the Moon and Midheaven in Capricorn Stevie will gravitate towards black and lace, to add a bit of formality about her and the impression she gives off. 

Capricorn can be conservative, serious and stern, and although Gemini loves to stay young Stevie is truly more modest, expressing the Cappy qualities of her moon over the Gemini Sun:

“I want to be age appropriate. I don’t want to be that girl you see walking away and she looks 25 and then she turns around and she looks 90.”


The Fleetwood Family…

This placement indicates someone with ambition – at home with a life that’s dedicated to their work. 

Interestingly, her band was more like a ‘family’ (Moon), intertwined with her career (the Midheaven). Her Capricorn Moon is in aspect with Saturn and Pluto in Leo, a pairing that points to her powerful and dramatic prowess…

Stevie Nicks Birth Chart


Born 26th May, 1948 At 3.02am In Phoenix, Arizona…

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