Art, Beauty, Culture & The Transit Of Neptune In Libra…

Share the trends of the era and this astrology analysis – the signature style of Neptune in Libra…


☆ Dreamboats & Petticoats ☆ Pin-Up Girls ☆ The Perfect Life ☆ Two Piece Suits ☆

Neptune is the planet that transcends ‘human’ limits, so that while Saturn imposes borders, boundaries and rules, Neptune dissolves what’s comprehended, to go beyond.

It is a planet that signifies the quality of mysteries and longing, the tantalising and unknowable, it encompasses our dreams and fantasies, spiritualism, escapism, irrationality, illusions and delusions.

Planet Neptune really tunes into the stream of life: the mainstream, and therefore the fashion trends, and the style of the times.

This planet is all about the collective sway, ‘movement’, the glamour, art, and style of the moment.

Therefore, it’s of special interest to Star Sign Style! A planet that resonates with overarching trends, with mass entertainment, music, movies and what pulls our attention, here and there…

Neptune in Libra – A Venus Ruled Sign…

With Neptune in a Venus-ruled sign, Libra, the areas governed by Venus can be glamorised, idealised, or dissolved and diluted…

What’s more, the tone of Venus itself will resonate…

Romanticism of relationships and matrimony can be considered a theme of Neptune in Libra, coming together in a happy union a prized notion.

Venus is all about adornment, beautification and attraction, so we can look with interest to these particular years…

Peace & Harmonious Matrimony…

Soon after Neptune entered peace loving Libra, World War II ended (Sunday September 2nd, 1945).

The fashions that followed aimed to move past the heartache of war, and instead prove uplifting to the people of the time.

Brighter colours were embraced with trims, and as life became merrier. Wide “A” shaped skirts were introduced to wear to dances.

Neptune in Libra was very much about togetherness, happy matrimony, unions and projecting a picture-perfect facade…

An example magazine published during this time…

A sign of equilibrium, balanced beauty and symmetry, the hourglass figure became idealised 

Staying true to the Libra aesthetic of balanced beauty, the Neptune in Libra era was all about and the ideal female form – according to the male gaze.

Libra is a masculine or yang sign.

 a measured silhouette came into favour, so knee length skirts, nipped in waists and padded shoulders to create the desired shape of full hips across clothing.

Although the movie Grease was meant to be set in 1959, the costumes could have been straight out of a Neptune in Libra dream – candy striped blouses, light cardigans, neckerchiefs and bobby socks with saddle shoes – iconic of the 1940s and 50s.

And, think of the classic debutante dresses of the 1940s and 50s, again reflecting hyper-feminine form.

Women did begin to wear pants and trousers during this time.


Typically, these were high waisted, part of their staple wardrobe at work and at home.

Heels became thinner later in the 1940s, the wedge became popular as did the peep toe; two tone shoes resembling mens shoes and slip on loafers were all the rage with teenagers and working women.

Neptune In Libra Trend: The Bikini…

Invented in 1946, the bikini was introduced to the world as Neptune appeared in lovely Libra, the sign of balance.

Regular swimsuits got tighter, and this was one invention that’s never been changed! Read more about the bikini, here.

Neptune In Libra Icon: Rita Hayworth…

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A true icon of the 40s and 50s, Rita Hayworth was born with the Sun, Venus and Mercury in Libra.

She married Prince Aly Khan when Neptune was closely aligned with her Venus.

Neptune In Libra Icon: Libra Rising, Natalie Wood…

At nine years old (1947) Libra Rising star Natalie Wood starred in Miracle on 34th Street as Neptune crossed her ascendant.

This was the start of her career in film, as she then went on to star opposite James Dean in Rebel Without a Cause (1955, pic above, bottom left) followed by a number of movies, including her Juliet-type role in West Side Story (bottom right, top left and centre).

I love the subsequent images of Wood above, looking in the mirror, and in Paris – a Libra city.

Neptune In Libra: Concepts & Institutions, Peace On Earth

The United Nations was founded October 24th, 1945, when Venus was conjunct Neptune in Libra.

Juno, Chiron, Jupiter and Black Moon Lilith were also co-present.

The mission of the United Nations is to promote peace and international cooperation, as well as human rights.

The logo features the olive wreath or laurel wreath, an ancient symbol of peace, while the combination of a light blue and white colour palette evoke the clear sky (and the clouds), which is often considered a symbol of peace (while opposite colour red is the war colour, and the domain of Aries).

Concepts & Institutions: The Co-Op Movement…

Post war efforts.

Born With Neptune In Libra…

There are two ways we can observe Neptune in Libra.

One is through the influence this transit had on people, and the art, music and fashions that became popular during this time frame.

The other is to examine those with the transit or planet prominent – and indeed the zodiac sign.

Manolo Blahnik…

A contemporary fashion designer that embodies the Neptune in Libra era and aesthetic is Manolo Blahnik, born November 28th 1942.

His personal horoscope is remarkable, in that he was born with Neptune at a powerful point of Libra – 1º, which is considered a power degree.

Neptune aligns with a stellium of planets, clustered together in Sagittarius – Mercury, the Sun and Venus.

When Manolo was born the Moon was in exact alignment with Pluto – the dark planet of fetish and vampish desire; the pair reach out harmoniously to both planets in Sagittarius, Neptune and Uranus in Gemini.

His chart reflects his keen and spontaneous artistic talent, his ability to create beautiful fashion illustrations that hint at sexual desire and yet pure artistry.

Susan Sarandon…

Born with a Sun-Neptune conjunction in Libra, Sarandon gives us plenty to respond to as she portrays relationships.

Olivia Newton-John

Born with Sun and Neptune in Libra in the first house, Newton-John played the lead in Grease, a musical romance movie set in the 50s.


Moon-Neptune in Libra

+ Leonardo da Vinci, Bruce Willis, Freddie Mercury, Bill Gates, Hillary Clinton, Meryl Streep.

Neptune In Libra Dates…

  • October 3rd, 1942, to April 17, 1943.
  • August 2, 1943, to December 24, 1955.
  • March 11th, 1956, and finally exited October 18th, 1956.
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