Taurus Amber Heard Birth Chart…
See Heard's Horoscope, Taurus Sun, with a lot of Cardinal Energy!
Amber Heard’s zodiac sign is Taurus, as the star was born when the Sun had moved into the Bull’s pastures – just 2º Taurus.
Amber Heard’s Birth Chart
Born 22nd April 1986 In Austin, Texas…
Born Days Before An Eclipse…
Note that Amber Heard’s Sun is closely aligned with the karmic point of destiny – the North Node.
Technically, this point (29º59′) of the ecliptic path of the Moon is an out of sign conjunction, in Aries, while Sun & Venus (and Black Moon Lilith) are in Taurus. Still, it prompted me to check the eclipses in ’86.
I see there was a Total Lunar Eclipse on the 24th / 25th April, just a couple of days after she was born (4º00′ Scorpio Full Moon, conjunct Pluto).
See the stars with enviable style, the top fashion icons born under Scorpio!
Selena Gomez Birth Chart – This Cancer Is Really Very Leo…
Leo Rising, Plus Venus and Mercury in the Lion's Sign, and an Aries Moon!
So, Amber was almost born on a Full Moon and an Eclipse, which is very interesting give the current Eclipse cycle we’re in (as she appears in court with Depp), on the Taurus-Scorpio axis. Although Heard is some way off her Nodal Return, she is direct caught up in this series of Eclipses, given her high profits court room drama now unfolding. The transiting node has passed over her Venus, and, she has not long had a Jupiter Return (in Pisces).
The actress was born with the waxing Moon in Libra, on its way to being full in Scorpio. I cannot see any facts about the actresses early-early life, though it would be interesting to know if something key happened to her around the age of two, when her progressed chart would feature that Lunar Eclipse…
Sun Opposite Pluto: Power Struggles & Toxic Femininity…
Power struggles are seen in the horoscope thanks to the (2º18′) Taurus Sun opposite (a 6º05′) Pluto (in Scorpio), suggesting Heard never does well with authority figures, or people telling her what to do.
Pluto is also the planet of toxic matter, waste, including feces (poop or shit) and the transformation of all that goes underground, and one of the interesting stories revealed is about excrement (poo) left in Johnny’s bed by Amber or a friend.
As we’ve seen with the court case with Johnny Depp there’s plenty to suggest Amber is volatile, drawn into controversy in partnership, and this part of her character or nature could be down to her ego, which is constantly navigating Plutonic themes from her perspective, always having to push back – or claim back control, power, some kind of assurance.
To leave a shit in someone’s bed is a disrespectful thing, a statement that says “you can’t control me, I will shit all over you (and take back my power)”, perhaps…
In the court room, Amber is pitted against a powerful contender (Depp) – this Eclipse Season (2022) is certainly bring a Lot to light.
A fiery Mercury in Aries brings a direct approach to thinking, communication and speech, while Moon opposite Mercury sees those heady notions of expression come to blows with emotions – and is also indicative of someone prone to fibbing!
Moon, Mercury and Mars create an interesting aspect known as a T-square, with dreamy Neptune involved, too; these planets are all Cardinal – motivated, assertive in their own way.
Amber may have been keen to climb the ladder of success in the artistic field of acting (Mars-Neptune in Capricorn), yet her direct approach might sometimes prove tricky to manage, particularly in meeting her need for congenial working relationships…
Uranus in Taurus has no doubt been the astrological influence shaking up her image and persona, with more to come as Uranus transits her Venus-Lilith…