Tauro Lena…


Pose In Polka Dots Miss Venus In Gemini…

Taurus Lena Dunham, Astro Analysis…

Lovely Lena Dunham is a trailblazing wonder.

Her TV show Girls is smashing it and she is much loved by friends and fans alike!

So, what’s her Star Sign Style!?

☆ Sun In Taurus ☆ Moon In Cancer ☆ Venus In Gemini ☆ Mercury in Taurus 

She’s A Fan Of Florals!

With both the Sun and Mercury in Taurus I’m always thrilled to see Lena in fabulous big florals. Like a true Taurus, Lena wears the feminine flower print with flair.

I also think she looks perfection in the Tauro colour pink too.


Sun / Mercury Taurus? Express Yourself With Flowers…

Lena’s double Taurus (Sun and Mercury) that gives her a solid countenance.


This combination is complimented beautifully by her Venus in Gemini, which is expresses itself in a fun dynamic way.

It’s this planet (the goddess of the solar system) that supplies her playful air and sparkling wit.

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It’s also the reason she suits an impish crop that most would find impossible to pull off…

With Venus in the sign of the mercurial Twins, Lena will like to attract people and impress them with her quick, agile mind and sense of humour – she draws them to her by engaging mentally.

People with this placement get bored and need their grey matter to be stimulated (rather than their ego…)

Her conversational skills will be well developed, and she’ll still be a massive flirt! Read More About Venus In Gemini.

Planet Mercury sits in opposition to powerful little Pluto in her natal chart (see below), which could play out in verbal power struggles here and there.

Mars in Capricorn indicates Lena has great ambitions and an incredible passion for work – and masses of stamina to boot!

No doubt she’ll be around for a long time yet… It also means she looks super classy in noir, ‘specially black lace…



The Moon…

Those nearest and dearest to the star might experience a more sensitive side.

Moon in Cancer people like Lena are emotional, peace seeking creatures with great feeling and imagination, they also have incredible memories, a brilliant sense of humour, and it might just be why she looks better in skirts than slacks!

Stars So Similar?

Lena has the same Sun, Mercury and Venus signs as Christina Hendricks.

Lena Dunham Astrology Birth Chart


Lena Dunham, born 13th May 1986 in New York, NY

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