Sagittarius Yearly Horoscope… Your Annual Forecast Is In!

A Fresh Forecast Taking You Through The Year Ahead.

2022 is a year of earth, air and water – a just a little fire to ignite our hearts!

Earth: We start out the year with the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Pluto in Capricorn, and between late January and early March 2022, Mars & Venus are travelling together in this zodiac sign. With Uranus in Taurus all year impacting our landscape, plus the eclipses in Taurus, it’s a very earthy year for progress in real world matters.

Water: At the end of 2021, giant Jupiter shifts into watery Pisces, teaming up with Neptune. This is a huge signature to harness in 2022, with a conjunction of these two planets mid-April but really the month of March (and Pisces Season) helps ready us for this stellar moment.

Air: Grandaddy Saturn continues on through Aquarius, with plenty of activity at the beginning of the year calling our attention to this sign (Mars & Venus travel through, arm-in-arm from March, plus Mercury spends a long time here with its retrograde spell making mischief). What’s more, Mars moves into Gemini on August 20th (2022), right through until (March 25th) 2023, again thanks to a retrograde spell. Mars will trine Saturn for the first time during Libra Season, September 28th.

Lastly, Fire: Jupiter takes a turn in Aries, between May 11th and October 28th – so the entirety of Libra Season will see the two signs Aries and Libra vying for space and attention!

How does this translate for you?

Sagittarius 2022 Horoscope In Summary…

Saturn in Aquarius and your third house – Contact, Communication Skills, Neighbours!

In 2021 you may have found yourself taking a serious approach to the way you connect with others and communicate, formalising the language you use, developing a social strategy, or coming together with close-knit ties to talk on issues pertinent to you (and them). Perhaps words began to carry greater weight, or maybe you learnt to code, drive, write or navigate differently, or picked up on nuances in local environments. Maybe conversations held allowed you to establish your stance on sexism, racism or you faced coldness as you’ve developed a way to mobilise around siblings or neighbours (or those in your area). You can bring further structure, tightening up your curiosity and learning, attuned to those like you and what you all think or agree on. While it’s not easy, continue to make the connection and face hard talks with wisdom intact.

This transit lasts till March 7th 2023. Read more about Saturn in Aquarius, here.

Uranus in Taurus and your sixth house – Change Your Health, Work & Routine!

Your usual regime, employment, healthy lifestyle, or the way you undertake tasks has likely changed or is ripe for a revamp, with a new and innovative approach to the way you maintain your position. Daily habits, routines or ways of working may look very different to years prior, and there could even be an unsettled notion around your day-to-day environment, job security, or diet and exercise. Managing, delegating and finding a pace or rhythm to suit may be aided by technology, staying grounded in nature, good food, or some radical influence (a gym instructor, manager, colleague or even a pet). You might find that there is some unusual slant on your job or that you’re willing to go in a new direction with what you do. Be on the look out for an organisational system, co-working space or office set-up that allows you to go your own way. Look for a way to liberate yourself and resist the everyday grind!

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Jupiter in Pisces and your fourth house – Develop An Anchor & Home…

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Read more about Jupiter in Pisces, here.

Pluto + Planets in Capricorn – Money Is Power!

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Jupiter in Aries and your fifth house – Passion Projects…

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Mars (Retrograde) in Gemini and your seventh house – Relationship Dealings!

Take note of any major learnings and takeaways around your personal relationships in 2021, as Mars promises to ruffle feathers in Gemini for many months. Experiences with partners are amplified and potentially exciting!

Double your pleasure by reading your horoscope according to your rising sign, too

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