Libra Yearly Horoscope… Your Annual Forecast Is In!
A Fresh Forecast Taking You Through The Year Ahead.
2022 is a year of earth, air and water – a just a little fire to ignite our hearts!
Earth: We start out the year with the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Pluto in Capricorn, and between late January and early March 2022, Mars & Venus are travelling together in this zodiac sign. With Uranus in Taurus all year impacting our landscape, plus the eclipses in Taurus, it’s a very earthy year for tangible progress and to move on in intangible terms.
Water: At the end of 2021, giant Jupiter shifts into watery Pisces, teaming up with Neptune. This is a huge signature to harness in 2022, with a conjunction of these two planets mid-April but really the month of March (and Pisces Season) helps ready us for this stellar moment.
Air: Grandaddy Saturn continues on through Aquarius, with plenty of activity at the beginning of the year calling our attention to this sign (Mars & Venus travel through, arm-in-arm from March, plus Mercury spends a long time here with its retrograde spell making mischief). What’s more, Mars moves into Gemini on August 20th (2022), right through until (March 25th) 2023, again thanks to a retrograde spell. Mars will trine Saturn for the first time during Libra Season, September 28th.
Lastly, Fire: Jupiter takes a turn in Aries, between May 11th and October 28th – so the entirety of Libra Season will see the two signs Aries and Libra vying for space and attention!
How does this translate for you?
Libra 2022 Horoscope In Summary…
Saturn in Aquarius and your fifth house – Taking Passions Seriously…
In 2021 you may have found yourself taking extra responsibility for your own happiness, or the pull toward projects, plans and interests born from you, including your kids or the inclination to broach fertility and pregnancy, your sex life, a lover, or more generally the pleasure principle. You can further establish this sentiment, allowing space to structure your own ability to conceive or create. Add firm boundaries around what already exists thanks to you, or what you would like (or what you do not want!) You may have written a book, honed a special interest or talent, or taken a serious stance on who you date and who you will fall for and love. While it’s not easy, continue to bring firm resolution to all that has your heart.
This transit lasts till March 7th 2023. Read more about Saturn in Aquarius, here.
Uranus in Taurus and your eighth house – Rely On Change…
Your ability to build something with the input of others may now seem lacking in stability and unconventional, unusual, and unsettled. There may be on-going shake-ups and erraticism around your private life and those you share space or co-parent with, or have a vested interest with. The security and money bought to the table by a partner, investor or via a legacy or passive income may be in some way radical or different, even genius or technologically advanced, so that you have to accept a quirk or fresh way of operating. Note that what others are prepared to loan or give may be in flux, yet innovative, too. Break with tradition and embrace sustainable ideas presented. Make the cohabiting experience uniquely yours and see an unusual stream of income heading your way quite by surprise. You might have a wedding union that’s totally out of the ordinary!
Your Full Moon In Aries Horoscope…
The Hunter's Moon Blooms Fully In The Ram's Sign, guided by Mars in Cancer!
Dance Into The Fire: Full Moon In Aries Rituals…
Seize Your Solo Spotlight With This Fierce Hunter's Moon!
Stay Balanced! Here’s Your New Moon In Libra Horoscope…
A profound moment of change arrives that warrants patience!
This transit lasts will July 7th 2025. Read more about Uranus in Taurus, here.
Eclipses in Taurus (and Scorpio) – More About Money!
Compounding resources done differently, the Eclipses bring moments to reckon with financial advancements, and the way you might depend on others. Take stock of resources and any unconventional ways you benefit by association, ways you might come together in a fashion that’s different, even agreeing to disagree on what you have or might build.
Read more about the Eclipses, here.
Jupiter in Pisces and your sixth house – Spring Forth Wellness!
Be at liberty to bring great emphasis to your work, role, daily routine or regime and healthy living, with the biggest planet of our Solar System in your house of toil, sickness, labour and grind. There may be an opportunity to develop routes to employment that are profoundly healing, or your usual habits, job or routines may reach a profound point of importance. Find meaningful efficiencies that help you help others, or hone in on clever methods to delegate, streamline or organise. Maintain your lifestyle, ship-shape, doing what you can to live well. Note that on March 3rd we have a New Moon in Pisces, with Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Neptune all assembled in this sign.
Read more about Jupiter in Pisces, here.
Pluto + Planets in Capricorn and your fourth house – Home & Hearth…
A New Moon in Capricorn resets family time and the way you relate to home and the past on January 2nd, then Venus and Mars move through this sign, with powerful meet-ups with this planet of control again on March 3rd. Address the big issues around your sense of place, your domicile or home and all you’re looking to root or tether yourself to, to gain the sense of stability you desire. There may be a great drive toward dealing with mother(ing) or nesting and nurture as the year begins…
Jupiter in Aries and your seventh house – Blossoming Relationships!
As the biggest planet in our solar system enters your opposite sign, prepare for relationship growth or an education one-on-one, with plenty to learn about relating and communicating – at least until the end of October, when it will dip back into Pisces. This window will give you a taste of what’s to come in 2023.
Mars (Retrograde) in Gemini and your ninth house – Go Further…
Take note of any major learnings and takeaways around your ability to get your message out in 2021 (broadcasting, familiarising yourself with social media platforms or pursuing education). Mars promises to ruffle feathers in Gemini for many months in 2022, so experiences connecting to those further afield, with foreign ideas and learnings amplified or potentially exciting! Perhaps like Libra Rising Britney Spears you leveraged social media to talk and connect to the world, or like Libra Kim Kardashian your educational plans (passing the Barr) become prominent.
Double your pleasure by reading your horoscope according to your rising sign, too…