Scorpio Yearly Horoscope… Your Annual Forecast Is In!

A Fresh Forecast To Take You Through The Year Ahead...

2022 is a year of earth, air and water – and just a little fire to ignite our hearts.

Earth: We start the year with the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Pluto in Capricorn, and your house of communications & navigational. Focus on how you relate and deal expertly with those in your inner circle, or neighbourly types in close contact. There may be a little back and forth with siblings or those you know, as you drive ahead with your own proficiency and mindset. With Uranus in Taurus all year plus the eclipses in this sign, you can progress in one-to-ones, taking on board other people and all they’re awakening in you.

Water: Giant Jupiter shifts into Pisces and your own element, water, teaming up with Neptune in your sector of playful indulgence, children, recreation, self-expression and the arts. This is a huge signature to harness in 2022, with a conjunction of these two planets mid-April but really the month of March (and Pisces Season) helps ready us for this stellar moment. Devote yourself to your own happiness and enjoyable experiences!

Air: Grandaddy Saturn continues through Aquarius, calling attention to the way your settle and establish home base, or broach the past, and your approach to parenting, nesting or nurture. Mars spends a long time in Gemini (your zone of bonds, investments and intimacy) thanks to a retrograde spell, bringing you motivation to get a handle on others and trust their objectives or part…

Lastly, Fire: Jupiter takes a turn in Aries, between May 11th and October 28th signalling a time to work it out (in the gym or around your employment, habits or daily life) – yet the entirety of Libra Season sees planets in your quiet zone of gestation. Health and healing hold great weight! Special dates are here

Scorpio 2022 Horoscope

Saturn: Stabilise Your Foundations, Find Home

In 2021 you may have found yourself establishing a sense of place or kicking off a long-term plan for stability, as Jupiter and Saturn got grounded in the lowest corner of your horoscope, your hidden house of home, land, lineage, nurture, your personal domain or dwellings. Perhaps you moved house or considered buying property! Continue to set down roots and address issues around where you’re from – acknowledge all facets surrounding your emotional baseline: family patterns and the ancient ancestral ties that present themselves, traditions and notions of nourishment, comfort and even feeding yourself and those under your care. Foster protection, shelter or security under your roof, allowing domestic life, emotions or parenting to be prominent. There’s much to consider in your four walls – even decor or taking care of your elders!

This transit lasts till March 7th 2023. Read more about Saturn in Aquarius, here.

Uranus in Taurus: One-to-One 180…

Uranus may have seen you shake up your relationships, Scorpio, with varying degrees of unrest in your most personal unions – from marriage ties, to best friends and business partners. Life can deliver a 180º experience – so singles can be wed, or those in need of an ‘other’ can unexpectedly find themselves blessed with a +1! Consider the online realms, i.e. dating apps and alternative ways to connect with people…t fine!

Eclipses: Shake-Up One-to-Ones…

Compounding all your work in x.

Jupiter: Let The Good Times Roll!

x. Note that on March 3rd we have a New Moon in Pisces, with Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Neptune all assembled in this sign.

Pluto + Planets in Capricorn and your 

A New Moon in Capricorn resets your connection to others on January 2nd, then Venus and Mars move through this sign, with powerful meet-ups with this planet of dominance and control on March 3rd. Address the big issues around your sense of notoriety, your reputation and all you’re looking to be outwardly, to gain the sense of success you desire. There may be a great drive toward recognition as the year begins…

Jupiter in Aries and your sixth house

As the biggest planet in our solar system enters your sign, prepare for lift-off and to see your star rise – at least until the end of October, when it will dip back into Pisces. This window will give you a taste of what’s to come.

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Mars (Retrograde) i:ur eighth house

Take note of any major learnings and takeaways around x in 2021, as Mars promises to ruffle feathers in Gemini for many months. Experiences among close ties are amplified and potentially exciting!

Double your pleasure by reading your horoscope according to your rising sign, too





A challenge arises between intimate relationships and your ideas about home, Scorpio, so don’t be surprised if your expectations in private spaces don’t match a partner’s. In fact, you may be on a very different page – or entirely separate book!

Try to open up, noticing where you’re willing to come around to a fresh perspective with a mate, and where you’re unable to change your ways, knowing there’s logic in certain traditions – or new methods you’re keen on.

Romance reigns over the Summer when the expansive adventurer Jupiter dips into fellow water sign Pisces, and your fun fifth house of fertility, personal passion, and gratification, marking for a creative high point, a time to explore artistic expression, your sexuality or desires.

Venus syncs with Neptune at Mid-Summer, when you’ll want to cast your gaze further afield for inspiration, remember places, people and subjects that have opened your mind and allow your heart to burst wide open, making a special effort to enjoy your affections.


It’s likely been a time to consider the serious facets of relationships and the nature of ‘devotion’, Scorpio, as 2020 encouraged you to show up, and pull through for others, or experience your own vulnerabilities, and what it means to rely on those around you (financially or energetically).

Eclipses appeared in the most intimate house of your horoscope, and this theme of commitment and trust continues throughout the year ahead, helping you cultivate a sense of stability, security and standing [in one place]…

Matters of life and death are your forte, but even you may have been blindsided by 2020, skilfully circumnavigating your surroundings while also confronting fears – and facing facts about the nature of your loyalties, too…

One-to-one encounters may have felt erratic, with certain partnerships unsettling you, again something set to continue in 2021 with disturbance around the foundations currently under construction.

Notice individuals – or issues in partnership – that try you or that don’t fit with what you’re cultivating in your sanctuary. By October you’ll be better equipped to retreat and deal with your feelings, with opportunities to heal and surrender any lingering baggage.

Personal Growth

Your financial axis is activated in 2021 and you may find you’re craving people or circumstances that support you, or allow you to stabilise, and settle in your surroundings.

You might gravitate towards those that help you come home to roost (even if that’s a place utterly different from where you grew up!) Assistance from a lender, investor, parent or partner (or a situation bought to your attention from an outside resource) could mean you’re able to feel comfortable with living arrangements or your secure in yourself, Scorpio.

Look for mutually beneficial arrangements and clever ways to pool together – space, money, or whatever you have that’s jointly appreciated. Check-in with developments around your financial investments, and the ways you’ve already begun to consider future-proofing your obligations.

Just be mindful that an individual you come across might have radical ways of bringing up baby or an opinion on decor, districts, or area codes that ruffles your feathers as you nest!

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